Source: Kauno energija

Business activity results of the 1 half of the year 2020

The Management Board of AB Kauno Energija (hereinafter – the Company) (code – 235014830) assessed on October 29, 2020 the results of Company’s business activity of 9 months of the year 2020 and financial state as at September 30, 2020 and approved AB Kauno Energija consolidated and Company’s non-audited results of 9 months of the year 2020.

The result of Company’s business activities of 9 months of the year 2020 according to the International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union is loss in amount of EUR 3,591 thousand (the result of 9 months of the year 2019 was loss amounted to EUR 1,005 thousand), turnover from sales is EUR 27,889 thousand (in 9 months of the year 2019 it was amounted to EUR 38,411 thousand). The result of activities of the Group which consists of AB Kauno Energija and its’ subsidiaries UAB GO Energy LT (code – 303042623) and UAB Petrašiūnų Katilinė (code – 304217723) of 9 months of the year 2020 is loss in amount of EUR 3,672 thousand (the result of 9 months of the year 2019 was loss EUR 866 thousand), turnover from sales is amounted to EUR 27,884 thousand (turnover from sales of 9 months of the year 2019 is amounted to EUR 38,405 thousand).

The rate of critical liquidity of the Company as at the end of the reporting period (September 30, 2020) that makes comparison between short term assets without stocks and short term liabilities, decreased from 0.95 to 0.86 during the period from the end of the year 2019 (the rate of the Group decreased from 0.92 to 0.84). The EBITDA of the Company of the 9 month of the year 2020 is EUR 1,997 thousand (EBITDA of the 9 month of the year 2019 was EUR 4,332 thousand), and EBITDA of the Group is EUR 2,375 thousand (EBITDA of 9 month of the year 2019 was EUR 4,954 thousand).

We hereby present an Interim Non-Audited Financial Statements of 9 month of the year 2020 together with the confirmation of responsible persons.

Loreta Miliauskienė, Head of the Economics Department, tel. +370 37 305 855
