Arnold Onyegbutulem Encourages Millennials to Work Hard and Succeed with a Positive Attitude and Empathy

Positivity and empathy—these are the keys to success

Ontario, Canada, Nov. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Millennials, and their younger predecessors, zoomers, have been given the short end of the stick compared to other, older generations. Prior to COVID-19, the younger people in the Western world have seen rising living costs, stagnating wages, and an increasingly competitive job market.

Yet, Arnold Onyegbutulem thinks it’s not all doom and gloom for the youngest in society. Onyegbutulem, a young go-getter and professional, is advocating for a new philosophy amongst his peers. In his eyes, positivity, healthy habits, and empathy, are all key for moulding your pathway to future success, and are the only way that younger generations can achieve their goals.

Success is no easy feat. But years of the same ‘work hard’ platitude have left the phrase meaningless. Today’s world needs a new philosophy, one that combines a strong work ethic with positivity and empathy—and that is where young Arnold takes the stage.

Employers can sense a person’s attitude and work ethic without the candidate uttering a single word, says Onyegbutulem, “Your voice, your behaviour, your posture, all these things can make or break deals. In today's workplace, you’re being watched. Whether it’s by someone else in a virtual meeting room or on a face-to-face video call”. 

For Onyegbutulem, work isn’t just something you do, it’s something you are. Every facet of you, whether it's your clothing, your posture, your smile, matters in a workplace context. Whether people like it or not, appearances and the way individuals carry themselves leave an impact. Sometimes this impact can be striking, and sometimes it is totally unconscious.

Arnold calls for today’s young people to be more mindful of the ‘total package’, meaning that millennials should take account of their voice, their posture, and their behaviour in order to communicate more accurately to clients, colleagues and employers.

According to Arnold, there’s too much competition these days to leave yourself at risk of scrutiny. Why should a potential employer hire you over the 200 plus other candidates? More importantly, why even give them the chance to pick someone else? By creating a friendly and productive appearance to conduct work within, people will begin to inhabit that narrative more easily and more instinctively.

But it’s not all just about self-improvement, corporate climbing or egotism. Onyegbutulem’s perspective also helps to inspire and lift up fellow workers and colleagues. By adopting a more positive attitude around work, people can help to lighten the mood of others, improve productivity, and foster a more healthy work environment. 

All of this begins a progression towards an environment of organisation and efficiency, one that can quickly spread through other departments and even other businesses, creating a chainlink of improvement that snowballs into greater and greater success.

Still currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in engineering, Arnold Onyegbutulem has already started his journey in becoming an inspiring content creator, developing informative and educational methods to help people better their lives, increase their happiness, and bolster their financial state.


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