Building Bridges to Break Down Barriers

Alberta Mentorship Program Supports New Immigrants Outside Urban Centres

EDMONTON, Alberta, Nov. 24, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC) launches the Alberta Mentorship Program (AMP), an initiative supporting the mentorship of new immigrants in rural and small urban communities. AMP is a joint project of mentorship and employment organizations made possible through the support of the Alberta and federal governments.

Every year skilled immigrants come to Edmonton to start new lives and find employment in their professional fields. ERIEC ensures immigrants are welcomed and participate in the economy to their full potential. They help new immigrants build networks, understand Canadian workplace culture, and access effective job search strategies. AMP extends the reach of this work by assisting organizations in rural Alberta.

“The Alberta Mentorship Program bridges differences,” says Doug Piquette, ERIEC’s Executive Director. “It fosters a culture that values learning from others. AMP encourages people to leverage and transform those differences to support professional relationships.”

The Alberta Mentorship Program provides valuable resources for any career mentorship. However, the project’s focus is on programs aiding new Canadians in rural and small urban areas. The success of these programs builds inclusive and welcoming workplaces in smaller communities. The information and guidance AMP provides is beneficial for everyone involved.

“The AMP helped to bring structure, best practices, and measurability to our mentorship program,” shared Tyler Ramsay, Lethbridge Family Service, Immigrant Services. “Without the AMP we would likely never have been able to have the same level of success that we are currently experiencing. As an AMP pilot site, the biggest support for me was having the help of ERIEC and CRIEC through various bumps and barriers. Whether it was a quick email, connecting me to additional people/resources, or bouncing feedback off of them of what I was seeing.”

“The journey to refine our mentorship supports to the Fort McMurray region has seen successes and challenges, and while this is but one aspect of the programming we offer, it has significant importance for those seeking mentorship,” stated Erin Brann, Northern Alberta YMCA: Immigrant Services (Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo). Brann further stated, “Coming together and learning from the expertise of ERIEC and other agencies has been instrumental in the progress that we have made and in the way that our mentorship project is shaping up. Having these supports in place for guidance and resources helps us succeed in our efforts.”

Formally established in 2008, the Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC), is an industry-led, not-for-profit organization dedicated to ensuring immigrants are welcomed and participate in the economy to their full potential. Foreign trained, experienced professionals now making the Edmonton region their home want to contribute their skills to our economy – but many lack the local knowledge needed for a successful job search. The ERIEC provides a unique and effective bridge between employers’ labour needs and globally trained new residents so they can work to their full potential.

ERIEC believes bringing employers and skilled immigrants together is critical to challenging employment issues and barriers and will help to build bridges within the Edmonton region. Interested parties can learn more about ERIEC by visiting

The Alberta Mentorship Program supports mentorship programs focused on immigrants in rural and small urban communities. The goal is to help these newcomers become part of the Albertan workforce and economy while building a culture of career mentorship across the province. The program website provides free information about mentoring newcomers to Canada along with resources for organizations creating mentorship programs and potential mentors, mentees, and employers. More information can be found at

Doug Piquette
Executive Director
Edmonton Region Immigrant Employment Council (ERIEC)