KIDHANMA Suggests People to have a “Unicorn Mindset” for Life’s Success

KIDHANMA Is Set to Create “Unicorn Mindset”

Darmstadt, Germany, Nov. 27, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Armin Mokhtarinejad, popularly known by his pen name KIDHANMA, is opening up a new vista of growth for the people with a focus on the children with his unique philosophy of realizing their inner self to change their lives.

His new book “How to Be a Unicorn” has already created a global flutter with the suggestion to the human being to channelize their energy to translate their thoughts that develops as life’s ambition and dream into a reality.

KIDHANMA, born and brought up in Germany, belongs to the Iranian parentage. At the young age of 27, he has already emerged as a very successful motivational author and influencer. His book is already an Amazon bestseller.

Armin Mokhtarinejad, having 10, 000 Instagram followers, currently is planning to launch a podcast and YouTube channel designed to support the philosophy of the book “How to Be a Unicorn”, among other life-skill development lessons.

He is also using the popular social media platform Instagram, often using Hashtags, to influence others to give real shape to their thoughts, dreams, and ideas. This will further get a boost once his podcast comes on air.

The first episode of the podcast will be broadcast in December 2020. It will interact with guests who sought alternative, sometimes peculiar routes in life and succeeded in achieving their goal of life.

KIDHANMA Is Set to Create “Unicorn Mindset”

Armin Mokhtarinejad has created a new term: “unicorn mindset”. His book “How to Be a Unicorn” is all about it. His theory is already storming the brains of thousands of youngsters across the world.

“Unicorn Mindset” basically implies creating your own identity and pursuing your passions by eradicating the negativity in your life. “How to Be a Unicorn” is a marked departure from the traditional self-help books as it has its theory and thought.

It is a reflection of is ideas, joys, and wishes. Armin Mokhtarinejad, as a youngster, often wanted to become a Unicorn. In his childhood, if someone asked him which animal you want to be, his reply will be Unicorn whereas other children of his age might have said they would like to become lions and tiger.

Amazon’s bestseller “How to Be a Unicorn” is based on 11 concepts that make a person successful. It propels one to fight out all odds to establish himself or herself as a successful person in life, thus becoming a role model for others too.

KIDHANMA Had Philosophical Bend of Mind since Childhood

Born in Darmstadt, a large city near Frankfurt, KIDHANMA was different from others since his childhood. Maybe his creative urge made him different. His Iranian parents relocated to Darmstadt to build a better life for their children.

Since the spark of new imaginative ideas made the young Armin Mokhtarinejad different from others, he took to writing giving expressions to his philosophy of life and developing an idea to help others.

This was a trait that he developed since his school days. Like many other successful writers, he found the tight schedule of classes of school rather boring and tedious. It is here where he starter alternative thinking.

From the school, he went to college but this alternative thinking chased him there also. That is why he took up a lucrative job after graduating from college with a degree in computer science but left it to become a creator: giving concrete expression to his ideas and also influencing others. Today, KIDHANMA is a role model for thousands of youngsters across the world.

Media Details - 

Person Name – Armin Mokhtarinejad alias Kidhanma
Company Email –
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Phone Number – +491774773248
City and Country - Darmstadt, Germany

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