Gurps Rai a 21st Century Visionary From is Paving The Way For A Better World

London, United Kingdom, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Through each subsequent phase of our civilization, visionaries have been at the forefront of shaping the world for the future. The same is true for our age. Call them visionaries, leaders, innovators, or vanguards, these are the people who possess the ability to think ahead of their times and thus play a key role in shaping the future.

Talking about our times, it is hard to deny that there are a lot of things to get disheartened about. However, irrespective of how things stand, one thing is for certain which is that pessimism is never going to take us nowhere. The value of optimism is best appreciated only in the darkest of times. This is what we learn from the ideas and actions of some of the prominent leaders and visionaries of today. 

However, one must also mention in this regard that radical ideas and innovation are not the only metrics by which to judge a visionary of today; another key attribute is social philanthropy. People expect the leaders to carry the responsibility of societal stewardship. For example, nobody can deny the role of Mark Zuckerberg in radically changing the way people communicate and interact with each other in this digital age. 

On the other end of the spectrum, we have leaders who are trying to do their utmost for the betterment of society and our planet as a whole. Take the case of Paul Polman, the current CEO of Unilever. Ever since Polman has been at the helm of the famous conglomerate, he has taken a host of initiatives to cut down on the environmental footprint of the company. Currently, about 40% of Unilever's energy requirements are generated from renewable sources such as solar or wind power and the company has plans to generate all its energy needs from green sources by 2030. In addition, Polman has also recently discussed his plans to completely eliminate coal use at the company by 2025. 

The same commitment towards society and a better future for mankind can be evidenced in leaders and visionaries like Headspace founder Andy Puddicombe or in Elon Musk, the CEO and founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors. These are the people who combine their radical ideas with a desire to have a positive impact on society. The meditation and mindfulness practices taught by Headspace have already helped billions of people worldwide, whereas Musk's stubborn endeavor lies in making mankind a multi-planet species! 

Gurps Singh Rai is another of these forward-thinking leaders who also strongly believe in giving back to society. A financial advisor by profession, Gurps Rai has already undertaken several laudable philanthropic enterprises in his short career. He hosted the UN's COP 17 international environmental summit by the age 29. Later in 2014, he helped United Sikhs, a United Nations NGO, to set up a drug rehabilitation center in Punjab, India. Currently, Gurps is the CEO of, an interactive media platform that, thanks to its revolutionary "See It, Want It, Get It" technology, enables viewers of video content to perform 'on-screen shopping' with just a simple click. According to Gurps Rai, the platform has all the potential to turn into a huge alternative marketplace for talented musicians and video content creators. This will aid many talented artists to have a sustainable income without their needing to depend on third parties such as record labels and the like. There’s one thing for sure: Gurps Rai is changing the world for the better.


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