Fenix Outdoor International AG Q4 report

Interim condensed consolidated financial statement for the period ended 31 December 2020


  • Fourth quarter 2020-10-01 – 2020-12-31
  • The total income of the Group was TEUR 151 765 (150 277), an increase of 1,0%.
  • The EBITDA of the Group was TEUR 20 948 (19 551).
  • The operating profit of the Group was TEUR 5 037 (8 526).
  • The operating profit is including extra ordinary costs of TEUR 4 900, meaning an adjusted operating profit of TEUR 9 937 (7 076), as last year included an extraordinary income of TEUR 1 450.
  • The profit before tax of the Group was TEUR 559 (6 095).
  • The profit after tax of the Group was TEUR -3 283 (1 822).
  • Earnings per share amounted to EUR -0,23 (0,13).
  • Period 2020-01-01 – 2020-12-31
  • The total income of the Group was TEUR 571 512 (616 448), an decrease of 7,3%.
  • The EBITDA of the Group was TEUR 109 964
    (128 037).
  • The operating profit of the Group was TEUR
    61 096 (84 905).
  • The profit before tax of the Group was TEUR
    53 503 (84 370).
  • The profit after tax of the Group was TEUR 33 866 (61 314).
  • Earnings per share amounted to EUR 2,54 (4,57).


Dividend proposal and events after period closing

The Board proposes an ordinary dividend of 12,00 (0,00) Swedish Kronor, ”SEK”, per B-share and 1,2 (0,0) SEK per A-share. The Board also proposes, as compensation for last year cancelled dividend, an extra dividend of SEK 3,0 per B-share and 0,3 per A-share.

Except for the ongoing Covid19 uncertainty no significant events after period close are noted. The Covid19 situation is still unpredictable from many perspectives and any further/continued “lock downs” may affect sales in local regions, see also “Comments by Executive Chairman” and Note 4.
Repurchase of own shares  

As per 2020-12-31 the company holds 119 598 B-shares representing 0,89% of capital.

This report contains information which Fenix Outdoor International AG is obliged to publish under the EU Market Abuse Regulation rules. The information was provided by the contact person stated below, for publication February 9 at 08:30, 2021.

Contactperson Martin Nordin, Executive Chairman +41 797 99 27 58


Financial information     

Actual financial information is available at www.fenixoutdoor.se
under “Finansiellt”

Q1 report, April 27th, 2021
AGM, April 27th, 2021
Q2 report, July 23rd 2021




Consolidated report 2020-12-31