A selection for the position of CEO and Member of the Management Board of UAB “Ignitis” has been announced

A selection for the position of CEO and Member of the Management Board of UAB “Ignitis”, a subsidiary of AB “Ignitis grupė”, has been announced

AB “Ignitis grupė” (hereinafter – the Company) informs that on 8 March 2021 it has announced the selection for the position of new CEO and Member of the Management Board of its subsidiary UAB “Ignitis” (hereinafter – Ignitis).

Among the requirements set for the candidates to the Ignitis CEO and Chair of the Management Board position there are requirements of at least 5-year experience in a managerial role in the position of business development and/or product development and/or trading and/or sales; an ability to develop a technologically advanced environment suitable for innovations.

You can find all requirements set for candidates in the official advertisement (link). The Company will announce the new Ignitis CEO and Member of the Management Board as a notice via the securities exchange.

The current Ignitis CEO and Chair of the Management Board Darius Montvila is leaving the position due to health-related reasons. He will remain in the current position until the new CEO and Chair of the Management Board is appointed and, afterwards, will remain an advisor to the Ignitis company’s Management Board.

The newly selected CEO of Ignitis would be appointed for the term of five years. They would serve as the Member of the Management Board until the current end of term of Ignitis Management Board – 31 May 2023.

For more information please contact:

Artūras Ketlerius
Head of Public Relations at Ignitis Group
+370 620 76076