Catapult Learning Presents Final Webinar in Free Diversity and Equity Professional Development Series for Educators

Session will highlight strategies for educators to create learning environments that support students’ social-emotional growth and promote success

CAMDEN, N.J., March 22, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Catapult Learning, a provider of intervention programs for students and professional development solutions for teachers in both public and nonpublic K-12 schools, today announced the final webinar in its free three-part professional development series, Culturally Responsive Classrooms: Strategies for Identifying & Eliminating Systemic Bias While Celebrating Student Diversity & Promoting Equity.

The webinar, Culturally Affirming Social-Emotional Learning Practices, will be held live on Thursday, March 25, at noon ET, and examine why Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) practices must be rooted in equity, allowing students to celebrate their individuality while cultivating meaningful relationships with others.

SEL has become an important component of the U.S. educational landscape over the last decade. Hosted by Catapult Learning’s Devon Wible, vice president of academics, this webinar aims to equip educators with strategies to develop teaching frameworks that leverage inclusive, culturally affirming SEL practices, thereby celebrating diversity and promoting equity.

“As educators, we must consider a holistic approach that addresses students’ needs to ensure academic and social development and achievement,” said Wible. “Catapult’s SEL programming is based on the understanding that students learn best when our school communities are culturally responsive and inclusive and instruction is equitable, engaging, and meaningful.”

Part 1 of the series, Understanding Structural Racism and Its Impact on Students, and Part 2, Promoting Equity Through Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices, are already available for school administrators and teachers to view.

To register for the March 25 webinar, Culturally Affirming Social-Emotional Learning Practices, sign up here.

About Catapult Learning
Catapult Learning, a division of FullBloom, provides intervention programs for students and professional development solutions for teachers in both public and nonpublic K-12 schools. Our 5,000 educators deliver evidence-based programs that include student instruction, family support services, and professional development designed to help teachers’ efforts to successfully integrate proven practices into the classroom. Executed by a team of experienced coaches, our professional development services strengthen the capacity of teachers and leaders to raise and sustain student achievement, improving education and overall quality of life. Intervention programs support struggling learners with instruction tailored to the unique needs of each student. Across the country, Catapult Learning partners with 500+ school districts, including 18 of the 20 largest, to produce positive outcomes that promote academic and professional growth. Additionally, Catapult has strong partnerships in place with the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity and the Center on Teaching & Learning at the University of Oregon. Learn more at


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