Emerging Markets Report: Making a Million

An Emerging Markets Sponsored Commentary

ORLANDO, Fla., March 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Breaking news last week from the 4Less Group, Inc. (FLES: OTCQB) announcing that its wholly owned subsidiary Auto Parts 4Less, Inc. which runs Liftkits4less.com had a 41% increase in gross revenue (prior to returns) for February 2021, as compared to the same period in 2020.

It’s a tremendous achievement by the Company and it shows growing traction in the marketplace. If you’re following 4Less, you will see year-over-year growth for the same period. It is important to note that the Company’s big, new, coming launch of AutoParts4Less.com is based on the successes of its predecessor, Liftkits4less.com. As such, seeing the mother ship perform well and realizing that the new venture will have similar UX, technology and of course, leadership team, is compelling.

Reaching approximately $980k in gross revenue, prior to returns, is our best February in the company's history and a great way to kick-off the new year,” stated Christopher Davenport, President and CEO of Auto Parts 4Less, Inc. “Our strategy of strong branding and utilizing cutting edge technology is paying off as we move towards expanding our footprint with the upcoming launch of our flagship automotive parts only marketplace Autoparts4Less.com.”

Nearly a million dollars IN ONE MONTH for a Company whose market cap is around $4.6 million at the time of this writing? Having just 2,044,713 shares outstanding, the next few months are going to be very, very interesting as the Company hopes to cross that million dollar per month threshold.

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EMC has been paid $125,000 by The 4 Less Group Inc. and is contracted to receive an additional $125,000 over the next month for various marketing services including this report. EMC does not independently verify any of the content linked-to from this editorial. http://emergingmarketsllc.com/disclaimer.php

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