CoolSculpting is a Permanent Solution to Resistant Fat Without Surgery by MiracleFace MedSpa

NEW YORK, June 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- If you’ve ever started a diet or exercise routine and been disappointed that you weren’t losing weight where you wanted to, you’re not alone.

CoolSculpting is a revolutionary method of getting rid of stubborn fat, and it involves absolutely no invasive procedures. This has led to plenty of people being far more willing to give it a shot.

What is CoolSculpting?
It’s understandable for people to be a little cautious of supposedly miraculous weight loss techniques, but CoolSculpting is a legitimate way of doing so. NYC CoolSculpting treatment clinics have recently embraced the procedure thanks to its approval by the FDA.

CoolSculpting uses the process of cryolipolysis to freeze the fat cells that are affecting your figure. MedSpa NYC is one of the main innovators in this field, and we spoke to them about exactly what CoolSculpting can do and exactly where on your body the procedure can be used.

Whether you’re trying to get rid of fat around your jawline or chin or to eliminate some stubborn love handles that simply won’t go away, the revolutionary thing about CoolSculpting is that it’s targeted. While other procedures like liposuction may also be targeted, they have a range of disadvantages, such as dehydrating the surrounding tissue.

Also, techniques like liposuction are heavily reliant on your skin’s elasticity and ability to heal. For people who are still young and healthy, they might be able to bounce back from a liposuction without any adverse side effects. Others may experience bumpy or irregular skin that could potentially look worse than before the liposuction procedure!

CoolSculpting seems to have none of these downsides, as it makes the fat cells wither away through the power of science. If that sounds painful, then you’ll be excited to hear that CoolSculpting is a relatively painless procedure that requires a very short recovery period afterwards.

Why is CoolSculpting so Revolutionary?
Some of the top NYC CoolSculpting treatment clinics tout the advantages of their procedure over other weight loss methods. The head of one of New York’s top clinics talked with us about why he believes that CoolSculpting will replace traditional weight loss surgeries in the future.

“The first thing that you have to know about CoolSculpting is that it’s non-invasive,” says he, “When people hear that, they’re far more willing to come through our doors.” He also mentions, “While people are skeptical about how long their results will last, we can assure you that CoolSculpting is permanent.”

We pressed him about the downsides of CoolSculpting, and he was surprisingly open about them. “I’ll admit that the process may feel uncomfortable for someone trying CoolSculpting for the first time, especially if they’re coming to us from some of the warmer states.”

“Think of it like this, if you’ve ever felt your extremities go numb during a harsh winter, it’s somewhat like that, but you won’t have to worry about any permanent damage like frostbite,” he continues, “Some of our clients are even able to read a book or post about their treatments on social media while we work on them!”

When queried him about further disadvantages involved in CoolSculpting, and the only thing he could come up with was the cost. “As a relatively recent innovation in the weight loss field, customers have to understand that the equipment involved in CoolSculpting is expensive, and so is the expertise of the physicians operating it.”

Unfortunately, for the time being, CoolSculpting is only available for people willing to splurge on the services of businesses like MedSpa NYC. However, if having a flawless figure is worth more than gold to some, then CoolSculpting may be the innovation that they were looking for.

Duration of Treatment and Recovery
Of course, potential clients always wonder about how much time they’ll have to dedicate to getting their body to a place where they want it. In most cases, a single CoolSculpting treatment will end up lasting about a half hour, so even the busiest people will be able to fit it into their schedule.

The recovery period largely depends on how healthy you keep yourself and your natural healing rate, but most side effects aren’t major enough to leave you bedridden. People report feeling sore and experiencing a bit of swelling in the areas that were worked on, so it’s largely up to how sensitive the skin is in the area that you’re getting worked on.

Compared to invasive weight loss techniques, these side effects are downright mild, and that’s one of the causes behind CoolSculpting’s growing popularity. If you have any specific needs, most CoolSculpting clinics are more than happy to work with clients to determine what will work best for them and their schedule.

Future Advancements
When it comes to managing your weight, there’s never been a silver bullet that instantly quells all of your worries, but CoolSculpting is looking more and more like it’s the best solution yet. While nobody knows what the future has in store, the growing speed of medical advances creates a relatively positive outlook.

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Name: Dmitriy Schwarzburg

Company - MiracleFace MedSpa

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