Key points:

  • Delta Drone convenes an Extraordinary General Meeting for July 21, 2021, in order to confirm the acquisition by way of contribution in kind of the 35% of the capital of its subsidiary ATM Group SRA not yet held.
  • This operation is part of the strategy of consolidating an integrated cluster specialized in traditional private security activity, aimed at accelerating the dronification of the sector.
  • By 2024, the strategic plan foresees that the "traditional private security" division represents approximately 1/3 of the Group's overall activity, focused on a clientele of major accounts and largely dronified.

June 14, 2021 at 9 am – Following notice published in BALO – Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires No. 70 dated Friday, June 11, 2021, Delta Drone convenes an Extraordinary General Meeting on July 21, 2021 at 9am at its head office to decide on the contribution in kind made by the two minority shareholders of ATM Group SRA. This operation would have the effect of strengthening Delta Drone's stake in the capital of The ATM Group SRA, which would thus increase from 65% to 100%.

As a reminder, ATM Group SRA is the umbrella company of three 100% owned operating companies:

  • ATM Group Sécurité, a traditional private security company, whose clientele is overwhelmingly made up of large accounts (administrations and industrial groups),
  • ATM Group Accueil, a service company complementary to the group's main activity, in particular specialized in hospitality services,

AMF, an approved training centre for private security professions.

The ATM Group achieved a turnover of around €10 million in 2020, almost stable despite a marked decrease in the event part, in connection with the cancellation of all events due to the health crisis. It also produces a slightly profitable result.

The in-kind contribution operation was the subject of a report by an independent expert, appointed to evaluate the valuation of ATM Group SRA. At the same time, a Commissioner for Contributions has been appointed by the President of the Commercial Court, having to rule on the value of the contributions and on the equity of its remuneration.

The modalities of shareholders' participation in the said Extraordinary General Meeting are described in the above-mentioned BALO publication.

The strategic framework of the operation

The operation is clearly consistent with the agreement signed and announced on April 21, relating to the acquisition of 100% control by Delta Drone of two entities of the Weesure Group. As already indicated, this agreement should be definitively registered at the end of July 2021.

At the end of these developments, Delta Drone will control 100% of a "traditional private security" division representing a cumulative annual turnover of around €30 to €35 million, profitable and very focused on a clientele of large accounts within the framework of multi-year contracts.

The objective assigned to this pole is not to accelerate its growth at all costs, but to focus its efforts as a priority on the dronification of the existing clientele.

The challenge for Delta Drone is to have by 2024 a "private security" division whose clientele would be mostly dronified and which would represent about 1/3 of the Group's consolidated turnover.

In service of this strategy, the respective training subsidiaries of Delta Drone and ATM Group have developed since the beginning of 2021, a training course for drone solution operators dedicated to security agents. This complete curriculum consists of a common core, which corresponds to the mandatory regulatory training to practice the profession, followed by optional modules that allow agents to become operators of professional drone solutions.
This innovative and exclusive model thus offers new and attractive opportunities for professional development, and is already experiencing real success as measured by the number of registrations for future sessions.

About Delta Drone: The Delta Drone Group is a recognized international player in the professional civilian drone industry. It develops a range of professional solutions based on drone technology as well as all associated services that form a complete value chain.
Delta Drone share is listed on the Euronext Growth Paris market – ISIN code: FR0011522168
Are also listed on Euronext Growth BSA Y – ISIN code: FR 0013400991
Investor contacts:        Press contact:

Jerome GacoinLouise Caetano
+33 1 75 77 54 65+33 1 55 02 15 13

Sarah Ousahla
+33 1 55 02 15 31



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