AS Tallink Grupp Resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 15 June 2021

68 shareholders were registered as attending at the Annual General Meeting, who owned 497,278,196 votes/shares (the amount of represented share capital 233,720,725 EUR), forming 74.23% of AS Tallink Grupp share capital.

Resolutions adopted at the meeting:

1. To approve the Annual Report of 2020 of AS Tallink Grupp presented by the Management Board.

In favour of the resolution voted 100% of the votes represented at the meeting (497,277,169 votes).


2. To approve the proposal presented by the management board of AS Tallink Grupp:
1) To approve the net loss of the financial year of 2020 in the amount of 108,308,000 euros and to cover the net loss with the retained earnings;
2) No dividend distribution to the shareholders.

In favour of the resolution voted 100% of the votes represented at the meeting (497,271,167 votes).


3. To amend the second sentence of Article 2.4. of the Articles of Association and word it as follows:
“Supervisory board shall be authorised within 3 years as from 1 July 2021 to increase the share capital by up to 35,000,000 euros, increasing the share capital up to 349,844,558.80 euros.” 

In favour of the resolution voted 98.06 % of the votes represented at the meeting (487,622,925 votes).


4. Due to the expiry of the term of authority of the member of the supervisory board Kalev Järvelill on 12.06.2021, extend the authorities of Kalev Järvelill as the supervisory board member for the next 3-year term of office retroactively from 13.06.2021. To continue the remuneration of the members of the supervisory board pursuant to the resolution no 5 of 07.06.2012 of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of AS Tallink Grupp.

In favour of the resolution voted 97.53 % of the votes represented at the meeting (485,002,723 votes).


5. To appoint the audit firm KPMG Baltics OÜ to conduct the audit of the financial year 2021 and to remunerate the auditor in accordance to the contract to be concluded with the auditor.

In favour of the resolution voted 97.63 % of the votes represented at the meeting (485,477,573 votes).


Joonas Joost
Financial Director

AS Tallink Grupp
Sadama 5
10111 Tallinn, Estonia



