Nyrstar NV: Practical modalities for attending the 2020 annual general shareholders’ meeting to be held on 29 June 2021

Regulated Information

Nyrstar NV: Practical modalities for attending the 2020 annual general shareholders’ meeting to be held on 29 June 2021

21 June 2021 at 17.30 CEST

Nyrstar NV (the “Company”) wishes to confirm, as set forth in its press release of 14 June 2021, that shareholders are offered the opportunity to physically attend the 2020 annual general shareholders’ meeting to be held next week, on 29 June 2021, subject to strict compliance with the applicable Covid-19 sanitary measures (including not showing any symptoms, wearing of a face mask, keeping a distance of 1.5 metres from each other and disinfecting hands as well as other appropriate measures), at Brussels Expo, Room 1122, Place de Belgique 1, 1020 Brussels. Such possibility is in addition to the opportunity offered to shareholders to use the Lumi AGM platform to participate in the meeting digitally and to vote during the meeting on the items on the agenda as set out in the (revised) convening notice of the general meeting that is published on the Company’s website and in the Belgian Official Gazette and De Standaard. Shareholders who wish to attend the general meeting have to indicate, when notifying the Company of their intention to attend the meeting in accordance with the modalities set out in the (revised) convening notice and below, whether they will be attending the meeting digitally or physically.

As set out in the (revised) convening notice of the general meeting, in order to be able to participate to the annual general shareholders’ meeting, a holder of shares issued by the Company must, in accordance with article 7:134 §2 of the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations, satisfy two conditions: (a) be registered as holder of shares on the registration date and (b) notify the Company, as described below.

(a) Registration: Firstly, the right for a holder of shares to participate to and, as applicable, to vote at the annual general shareholders’ meeting is only granted on the basis of the registration of the shares concerned, on the registration date mentioned in the (revised) convening notice, being 15 June 2021 at midnight, via registration, in the share register book for the shares concerned (for registered shares) or in the accounts of a certified account holder or the relevant settlement institution for the shares concerned (for dematerialised shares or shares in book-entry form).

(b) Notification: Secondly, in order to be admitted to the annual general shareholders’ meeting, the holders of shares issued by the Company must notify the Company whether they want to participate to the meeting. The holders of shares that wish to make such notification can make use of the registration notice form that can be obtained on the Company's website (www.nyrstar.be). The notice must reach the Company by mail at its registered office (Zinkstraat 1, 2490 Balen, Belgium, Attention: Company Secretary) or by e-mail at registrations@nyrstar.com at the latest on the sixth calendar day prior to the annual general shareholders’ meeting, i.e. on or before 23 June 2021 at the latest. For the holders of dematerialised shares or shares in book-entry form, the notice should include a certificate confirming the number of shares that have been registered in their name on the registration date. The certificate can be obtained by the holder of the dematerialised shares or shares in book-entry form with a certified account holder or the relevant settlement institution for the shares concerned.

In addition:

  • Shareholders who intend to attend the general meeting physically, must communicate to the Company such intention together with the above-mentioned notification form and therefore before or at the latest on 23 June 2021.
  • Shareholders who wish to participate in the general meeting digitally must communicate to the Company such intention together with the above-mentioned notification form and therefore before or at the latest on 23 June 2021, as well as an e-mail address to which he/she wishes to receive the explanation and instructions to participate in the general meeting and which will allow him/her to participate in the general meeting digitally.

The Company reiterates that, in view of the current Covid-19 governance travel measures and regulations in place in Belgium, the United Kingdom and Jersey, the directors will not be able to physically attend the general meeting, but will digitally attend. In addition to any shareholders (and/or their proxyholders and legal advisors) who have validly registered and opted to physically attend the meeting, it is currently contemplated, provided that there are no further changes to the various applicable government measures and regulations in place to combat and contain the Covid-19 pandemic in the coming days, that  only Mr Anthony Simms, Head of External Affairs & Legal and Interim Company Secretary, legal advisors of the Company, and other persons assisting in the practical organisation of the general meeting will physically attend the meeting.

All shareholders attending the meeting are able to ask questions, both before the meeting and during the meeting. During the meeting, shareholders who physically attend will be able to ask questions verbally, and shareholders who virtually attend will be able to ask questions via a chatbox in the same manner as during the meeting held last year on 30 June 2020. The directors will, in accordance with applicable law, verbally respond to all questions through the Lumi AGM platform.

Notwithstanding the possibility for shareholders to be physically present in accordance with the aforementioned conditions, in view of the current status of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Company strongly recommends shareholders to digitally attend the meeting.

Depending on the evolution of the current government measures and regulations in place to combat and contain the Covid-19 pandemic in the coming days, the Company may further communicate about the participation and the organisation of the shareholders’ meeting on the Company’s website.

About Nyrstar NV
The Company is incorporated in Belgium and, following completion of the recapitalisation/restructuring has a 2% shareholding in the Nyrstar group. The Company is listed on Euronext Brussels under the symbol NYR. For further information please visit the Nyrstar NV website: www.nyrstar.be.

For further information contact:

Anthony Simms -        Head of External Affairs & Legal      M: +41 79 722 2152  anthony.simms@nyrstar.com



Nyrstar NV AGM update 21062021 EN