NEW YORK, June 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Every soul is on a unique journey and the path to healing is never the same. People have unique experiences and past traumas. That is why the path to healing must also be personalized, so every individual can experience more freedom, joy, love, and fulfillment in all areas of their lives. Jen Peters of Ascension The Whole Journey is one such multidimensional healer who offers the “Heal Your Inner Child” program.
The Heal Your Inner Child program is a six-week transformational process to unlock, release, restore and heal past trauma keeping people stuck. Oftentimes, people struggle with dysfunctional relationships, attracting emotionally unavailable partners or even narcissistic dynamics. Other times it’s being held back by hidden blocks within themselves or their career. This is where Jen helps her clients overcome these challenges and accelerate their healing so they can experience the deep transformation and self-actualization that’s available to them.
The Heal Your Inner Child Program
The Heal Your Inner Child is a 6-week transformation process to bring unconscious, hidden trauma and blocks to light and dissolve them at the origin so people can finally unlock a life of purpose, achieve self-mastery within themselves, their career and their relationships. According to Jen Peters "The experiences we had as children form the foundation for how we live the rest of our life. When we heal our inner child - we heal our life."
The program is designed for people who are tired of feeling stuck or held back by invisible walls that keep them repeating the same dysfunctional cycles within themselves, their relationships, or their career. Instead, they're ready to experience the freedom to fully expand and reach their highest potential and achieve success and purpose in all areas of their life.
Through the Heal Your Inner Child program, members can expect to experience tangible shifts from their very first session and every session after. Jen Peters works deep within the subconscious mind to untether her clients from where they are right now and guide them to where they’re being called to be so that they can create an expansive and deeply fulfilling life of purpose, empowerment and self-actualization.
Jen Peters uses a blend of Quantum Healing Techniques, Multidimensional Healing Tools, Conversational Hypnotherapy, and Intuitive Coaching in her Heal Your Inner Child program. She works in synergy with her clients’ own soul and ascension team and accesses their subconscious mind and akashic records to dissolve trapped emotional trauma, blocks, and debris that keep them enslaved to distorted and limiting patterning and beliefs.
The Heal Your Inner Child program is the perfect option for people who want to heal their inner child wounds, dissolve hidden blocks or codependency at the origin within the subconscious mind as well as healing following narcissistic abuse. They’re free to move beyond limiting subconscious programming and step into self-mastery and purpose in their relationships, careers and within themselves.
According to clients “Working with Jen Peters has accelerated my personal growth and deepened my understanding of myself. Sessions with Jen have enabled me to clear debilitating, life-long patterns and limiting beliefs at a rapid pace. I feel calmer, a sense of inner peace and trust, and my outer reality is starting to fall into place as my inner world heals and aligns. Thank you Jen Peters for the important work that you do.”
Jen Peters of Ascension The Whole Journey and her Heal Your Inner Child program are helping people untether from a life that they no longer align with and instead are turning their pain into empowerment and creating a life of alignment, purpose and freedom!
Check out the Heal Your Inner Child Program HERE
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