Pico Cardenas of Bossletics Announces New “Personal/Online Fitness Training Program” 

NEW YORK, June 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Maintaining an active lifestyle and healthy body is a challenging task in today’s day and age. People tend to prioritize other aspects of their lives over fitness, which often leads to health problems and complications. However, this is where fitness training and coaching play an important role. Pico Cardenas of Bossletics is one such fitness coach and trainer who offers a “Personal/Online Fitness Training Program”.

Bossletics is a 24-hour gym offering people a hardcore environment and strives to make everyone feel a part of their strong and ever-growing community. At Bossletics, Pico Cardenas believes that we are all in this together, and wants people to join him on the road to becoming better and healthier version of themselves. Pico Cardenas of Bossletics specializes in bodybuilding competition prep, weight loss transformation, lifestyle clients, and macro coaching. 

Bossletics “Personal/Online Training Program”

The Bossletics personal/online fitness training program is designed to help individuals reach their true potential and transform into healthier and fitter version of themselves. With their qualified and experienced trainers, Bossletics helps people reach all their fitness goals. From losing weight, gaining muscle, or prep for a competition, the Bossletics personal/online training program covers it all. 

Pico Cardenas has helped change many peoples’ lives through Bossletics online and in-person training, from losing over 100 pounds, reversing diabetes, and coaching competitors placing top 5 in their class. Pico believes that mental strength is just as important as physical when it comes to achieving anything in life. The body follows the mind so whether it’s in person or online training, he focuses on his clients practicing positive self-talk, self-confidence, and having a zero-option mentality when it comes to achieving a fitness or life goal.


Bossletics believes that nothing in life comes easy. With hard work and consistency, anything is possible. That is why Bossletics and their programs push people to their limits and get them out of their comfort zone to reach goals they never thought were possible.

​Whether it be weight loss or gaining muscle mass, Bossletics customizes every workout regimen and meal plan individually to meet specific goals for every individual client. Bossletics and Pico Cardenas are helping people every step of the way in achieving their fitness goals, whether it be through one on one training, partner training, or online training. 

Check out Bossletics HERE

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Pico Cardenas

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