Transactions in connection with share buy-back program


A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S – Transactions in connection with share buy-back program

On 18 November 2020, A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S (the Company) announced a share buy-back program of DKK 10bn in compliance with the EU Commission Regulation No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and Council of 16 April 2014 (MAR) and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 (the “Safe Harbour Regulation”).  The first phase, which started on 1 December 2020, was completed on 29 April 2021. The total market value of the shares acquired in the first phase amounted to DKK 3.3 bn.

During the second phase of the program running from 12 May 2021 up to 30 September 2021, the Company will buy-back A and B shares for an amount of up to DKK 6.7bn.

The following transactions have been made under the program in the period Monday 12 July to Friday 16 July:                                             

 Number of A sharesAverage purchase price A shares, DKKTransaction value,
A shares, DKK
Accumulated, last announcement (market and A.P. Møller Holding A/S)82,393 1,197,273,170
12 July 202125917,391.31274,504,350
13 July 202134317,330.78725,944,460
14 July 202154617,288.80959,439,690
15 July 202148617,060.04128,291,180
16 July 20211,26016,792.182521,158,150
Total 12-16 July2,894 49,337,830
Bought from A.P. Møller Holding A/S 16 July 2021*3,06717,048.317252,287,189
Accumulated in second phase of the program (market and A. P. Møller Holding A/S)39,928 676,189,312
Accumulated under the program (market and A. P. Møller Holding A/S)88,354 1,298,898,188
 Number of B sharesAverage purchase price B shares, DKKTransaction value,
B shares, DKK
Accumulated, last announcement (market and A.P. Møller Holding A/S)329,524 5,070,229,738
12 July 20211,30117,992.486523,408,225
13 July 20211,72317,888.633230,822,115
14 July 20212,74317,837.830848,929,170
15 July 20212,44217,590.043042,954,885
16 July 20216,33017,298.8270109,501,575
Total 12-16 July14,539 255,615,970
Bought from A.P. Møller Holding A/S 16 July 2021*9,30717,581.3997163,630,087
Accumulated in second phase of the program (market and A. P. Møller Holding A/S)159,727 2,812,357,749
Accumulated under the program (market and A. P. Møller Holding A/S)353,370 5,489,475,795

*) According to a separate agreement, A.P. Møller Holding A/S participates on a pro rata basis to the shares purchased in the share buy-back program.

With the transactions stated above, the Company owns a total of 66,038 A shares and 277,068 B shares as treasury shares, corresponding to 1.77% of the share capital.                 
Details of each transaction are included as appendix.

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Copenhagen, 19 July 2021

Contact persons:

Head of Investor Relations, Stig Frederiksen, tel. +45 3363 3106
Head of Media Relations, Signe Wagner, tel. +45 3363 1901

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Announcement - Transactions in connection with share buy-back program - week 28 2021 Daily transactions in connection with share buy-back program - week_28 2021