Realkredit Danmark A/S’s financial calendar 2022


NASDAQ Copenhagen
 Executive Board
Lersø Parkalle 100
DK-2100 København Ø

Telephone +45 7012 5300
Telefax +45 4514 9622

23 July 2021


Company announcement No. 65/2021 – 23 July 2021

Realkredit Danmark A/S’s financial calendar 2022


Realkredit Danmark A/S has scheduled the following dates for the release of its financial reports and the annual general meeting in 2022:


Annual report for 2021                                                        3 February 2022

Annual general meeting                                                         10 March 2022

Company annoncement for the first quarter 2022                      29 April 2022

Interim report for the first half 2022                                          22 July 2022

Company annoncement for the first three quarters 2022        28 October 2022


Announcements of the financial results will be available immediately after their release on Realkredit Danmark’s Web site:


Yours sincerely

The Executive Board



For further information, please contact Henrik Blavnsfeldt, Senior Vice President, on +45 45 13 20 76.



Nr. 65_Finanskalender 2022 for Realkredit Danmark_uk