L'Oréal: News release: "2021 Half-Year Financial Report"

Clichy, 2 August 2021

2021 Half-Year Financial Report

On 2 August 2021, L’Oréal posted its 2021 Half-Year Financial Report on the www.loreal-finance.com website in the Regulated information section.
This report, available for consultation and downloading, includes:

  • The 2021 half-year activity report;
  • The summary consolidated financial statements at 30 June 2021;
  • Statutory Auditors’ review report on the 2021 half-year financial information;
  • The declaration by the person responsible for the Half-Year Financial Report.

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy L ' Oréal shares. I f you wish to obtain more comprehensive i nformation about L ' Oréal, p lease refer to the public documents registered in France with the Autor i t é des Marc hés Financiers , a l so available i n English on our Internet site www.loreal-finance.com.

This news release may contain some forward - l ooking statements. A l though the Company considers that these s tatements are based on reasonable hypotheses at the date of publication of this release, they are by their nature subject to risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to d i f fer materially f rom those indicated or projected i n these s tatement s .

Contacts at L'ORÉAL  (Switchboard: +33 1 47 56 70 00)

Individual shareholders                        Financial analysts and            
and market authorities                         Institutional investors                           Journalists

Mr Christian MUNICH                        Ms Françoise LAUVIN                           Ms Polina HUARD
Tel: +33 1 47 56 72 06                     Tel: +33 1 47 56 86 82                       Tel: +33 1 47 56 87 88
christian.munich2@loreal.com                    francoise.lauvin@loreal.com                          polina.huard@loreal.com  

 For further information, please contact your bank, stockbroker or f inancial institution (I.S.I.N. code: FR0000120321 ), and co nsult your usual newspapers or magazines or the Internet site for shareholders and investors, www.loreal-finance.com,the L’ Oréal Finance app or call the toll -free number from France: 0 800 66 66 66.

www.loreal-finance.com -  Follow us on twitter @loreal





