Surplus for Swedish central government in July 2021

Sureplus for Swedish central government in July 2021

Swedish central government payments resulted in a surplus of SEK 8.1 billion in July. The Debt Office's forecast was a deficit of SEK 6.3 billion. Central government tax income were higher than expected while disbursements from government agencies were lower.

The primary balance was SEK 16.5 billion higher than the forecast. This is due to the fact that tax revenues were approximately SEK 9 billion higher than estimated, while disbursements from a number of agencies were lower than estimated.

The Debt Office’s net lending to government agencies etc. was SEK 1.8 billion higher than forecasted.

Interest payments on central government debt were SEK 0.4 billion higher than forecasted.

For the twelve-month period up to the end of July 2021, central government payments resulted in a deficit of SEK 56.3 billion.

Central government debt amounted to SEK 1 214 billion at the end of July.

The outcome for August 2021 will be published on September 7 at 9.30 a.m.

The preliminary date for publishing new forecasts for 2021–2023 is October 27.


Press Secretary, +46 (0)8 613 47 01

Budget balance and central government net borrowing requirement1
(SEK million)
  Outcome Forecast Deviation Acc. Dev2 Outcome 12-month
Budget balance 8 123 -6 305 14 428 15 688 -56 302
Net borrowing requirement1 -8 123 6 305 -14 428 -15 688 56 302
Primary balance3 -5 432 11 096 -16 528 -12 464 62 028
Net lending to agencies etc.4 -2 624 -4 375 1 750 -2 842 -19 150
Interest payments on central government debt -66 -417 350 -381 13 424
- Interest on loans in SEK -225 -415 190 -386 14 512
- Interest on loans in foreign currency -50 -48 -3 -25 -681
- Realised currency gains and losses 209 46 163 30 -408
1 The net borrowing requirement corresponds to the budget balance with opposite sign.
2 Sum of monthly forecast deviations since last forecast.
3 Net of the state's primary expenditure and income.
4 The net of government agencies etc. deposits and loans in the state’s internal bank. The net lending includes
    both current government operations and temporary occurrences which can be decided on short notice. The net
lending affects the net borrowing requirement and central government debt, but is not covered by the
    Central government expenditure ceiling.

The report Central Government Debt July 2021 is attached below.

More data on the borrowing requirement and government debt:

The monthly outcome of the central government net borrowing requirement is included in the official statistics of Sweden.

The Debt Office published their latest forecast on the Swedish economy and central government borrowing on 27 May: Forecast and analysis 2021:2



Report: Central Government Debt July 2021