Sword Group - The Group’s Continuous Improvement Policy | Towards an Exemplary CSR policy

The Group has chosen to commit to improving its governance in the short term.

We will focus on two main points:
The Board of Directors, with its remunerations, audit and appointments Committees,
« CSR » (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy,

In the short term:

At the level of the Board of Directors
By June 2022:
- To have an undisputed independence of a greater number of directors,
- Have more women represented on the Board,
- Better communication on the work of the Audit, Remunerations and Appointments Committees.

In terms of CSR policy

By the end of the first quarter of 2022:
- Communicate to the market accurate and controlled data on our social initiatives, our environmental policy and our governance,
- Set targets for improvement in each of these areas.

09/09/21 : Meeting to present the Half-Yearly Results for 2021 at 10:00am (CET) by webcast | Registration

25/10/21 : Publication of Q3 2021 Results

About Sword Group

Sword has 2,000+ IT/Digital & Software specialists present over 5 continents to accompany you in the growth of your organisation in the digital age.

As a leader in technological and digital transformation, Sword has a solid reputation in software publishing and in complex IT & business project management.

Sword optimises your processes and enhances your data.

Contact: investorrelations@sword-group.lu



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