Canadian Vaping Association: Canada’s regulatory double standard threatens public health

BEAMSVILLE, Ontario, Sept. 13, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As Canada considers restricting flavours in vape products, the Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) is astounded by the hypocrisy and inequity in the regulation of adult products. Alcohol, a substance known to cause significant harm to health, and through addiction has destroyed lives and families, has had no restrictions placed on the use of flavourings, nor are warning labels required. On the other hand, nicotine vape products, a harm reduction product used primarily by smokers seeking to quit, have undergone rigorous regulation culminating in a proposal to restrict all pleasant “sensory attributes.”

Through the harm caused by combustible tobacco, nicotine has been miscast as harmful and carcinogenic. Although nicotine may be addictive it is not the source of the harm caused by smoking, rather it is the combustion process of cigarettes that causes morbidity and mortality. The combination of far fewer chemicals and the lack of combustion in vaping, makes vape products far less harmful than smoking. It is because of the significantly reduced chemicals and lack of combustion that the UK maintains that vaping’s risk does not exceed 5% of tobacco’s. Other Commonwealth nations like the UK and New Zealand have embraced vaping and actively encourage smokers to make the switch. This has resulted in both countries being on track to eliminate tobacco use within the decade.

As the Cannabis sector also faces flavour restrictions on inhalable products, it is baffling that edible products, like THC infused candies and chocolate are not being considered for regulation. The CVA does not believe flavour restrictions are appropriate for any adult product, but if the goal of regulation is to prevent youth usage as stated, it is confounding that the products most appealing and most likely to be accidently consumed by youth have been excluded from the regulatory proposal.

Flavours are a common denominator across adult products. As the cannabis and vaping industries battle to keep flavours for adults, the alcohol sector operates freely and advertises broadly. The staggering double standard that exists for alcoholic beverages is absurd when compared side by side. There are countless variations of flavours that line the government run stores including watermelon vodka, cucumber and lime vodka, and berry blast vodka (with child appealing packaging resembling a rocket popsicle). It is human nature to seek out flavours and pleasurable characteristics in consumable products. The regulatory goal should not be to prevent anyone from enjoying flavours, but to properly enforce regulation to ensure that these products are consumed legally by adults and with minimal risk.

It is necessary to regulate these substances with caution to ensure that the public consume them responsibly and are aware of the potential risks involved. That should not limit product selection for adults, as adults can make rational and informed decisions and purchases.

“Vaping, unlike recreational cannabis or alcohol, provides a public health benefit. The goal of health policy should be to capitalize on public health gains. Canada has now seen through Nova Scotia’s flavour ban, that reducing the appeal of vaping products to smokers results in increased smoking and the destruction of small businesses. The proposed regulations are not fit for purpose. Canadians don’t want regulation that causes increased smoking rates and fewer jobs,” said Darryl Tempest, Executive Director of the CVA.

Darryl Tempest
Executive Director