Martela Oyj Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Ville Taipale as interim CEO

Board of Directors has appointed Mr. Ville Taipale, VP Operations as an interim CEO of Martela Oyj. Process of recruiting a new CEO for the company is progressing as planned. Company’s former CEO Artti Aurasmaa will continue as an advisor for the company for the time being.

Martela Corporation
Board of Directors

Further information

Johan Mild, tel. + 358 40 301 3004
Ville Taipale, tel. +358 50 557 2611

Nasdaq Helsinki
Main news media

Our strategic direction is defined by our mission “Better working” and our vision “People-centric workplaces”. Martela provides people centric workplaces where the users and their wellbeing are in the core. We focus on the Nordic countries, as the Nordic countries are forerunner in hybrid working environments with common open work culture background and needs.