BiomCare’s New Skincare Products That Restore A Healthy Balance to Your Skin’s Microbiome Are Coming Soon to America

PALM BEACH, FL, Oct. 12, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Washing your body with a cocktail of harsh chemicals is ruining your skin.

Instead of over-exfoliating or using chemicals and disinfectants that harm your skin, a European health and wellness company has developed the next generation of skincare that will restore balance in your microbiome with skin-friendly bacteria.

“People don’t realize that your skin’s microbiome or microbiota is an ecosystem of bacteria on your skin’s surface. These billions of bacteria cells actually protect you from pathogens that could harm your skin,” said Dr. Karel Bezouška, CEO and one of the four founders of BiomCare in the Czech Republic. “To keep your skin looking and feeling healthy, you need to keep your microbiome in balance.”

Bezouška said BiomCare plans to soon introduce the following four products to American consumers:

  • Derma.Ferm® COMPLETE, which provides your skin with three microemulsions for a healthy skin microbiome, contains natural skin hydrating compounds, a cleaning enzyme complex, and calming prebiotics. It is suitable for individuals who have developed chronic damage to their skin barrier from yeast and fungal infections, and long-term dermatitis, including atopic eczema, acne, or psoriasis.
  • Derma.Ferm® ACUTE, which provides a single microemulsion for a healthy skin microbiome, contains natural skin hydrating compounds that are supported by a cleaning enzyme complex. It is suitable for minor acute skin disorders due to burns, abrasions, scalds, or acute skin infections.
  • VIR_A_REST®, which also provides a single microemulsion, will invigorate the skin’s microbiome and protect it from the adverse effects of pathogenic microbes, including respiratory viruses. VIR_A_REST® supports the natural protective barrier of the skin with suitable postbiotics and natural antimicrobials.
  • VIR_A_REST® ORAL, which supports the development of normal oral microflora through extracts from two friendly bacteria, restores your oral microbiome that is critical for the development of normal skin microflora as well as a healthy microbiome of the respiratory tract.

“Our approach fine-tunes and manages healthy skin microbiome,” said Dr. Bezouška, adding that BiomCare also uses a three-step patented application sequence of cleaning, calming, and nourishing the skin. “BiomCare’s products can deal with many resilient chronic long term skin problems.”

Dr. Jan Engl, one of the co-founders of BiomCare, emphasized that BiomCare does not use harmful chemicals.

“We only use naturally occurring compounds. We show our consumers a smarter way to healthy skin that does not include potentially dangerous ingredients,” Dr. Engl said.

Both Dr. Bezouška and Dr. Engl said people are more concerned today about their health because of the pandemic.

“COVID-19 forced everyone to think about their health, which is why we believe consumers want safe and healthy skincare protection,” Drs. Bezouška and Engl added. “That is why we embarked on the development of an efficient skin protection that enhances the effect of the natural ingredients rather than resulting in a sterile skin vulnerable to the attack by the pathogens.”

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BiomCare’s New Skincare Products Restore Balance to Your Skin’s Microbiome Innovative Skincare Products Coming to America

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