MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leapgen, a global digital transformation company shaping the Now of Work, reveals new research on the primary drivers and drainers people identify when it comes to their experience of work. This timely and actionable research is intended to help U.S.-based employers better understand what people say drives or inspires them, what concerns or drains them, and what they say builds a meaningful culture of connection. These factors can help employers mitigate the effects of The Great Resignation on their business and improve workforce experience for the long haul.
In July 2021, Leapgen surveyed 2,856 working adults in the U.S. to reveal what drives them to stay engaged and connected at work. Leapgen also drilled into workers’ biggest challenges. In addition to job security, Leapgen research showed fair and competitive pay, other financial benefits, and personalized health benefits were the most important factors driving job satisfaction. These findings make it clear workers are more concerned than ever about having foundational needs met when it comes to staying employed, making a fair wage, and receiving competitive overall benefits. Top four drainers when it comes to work include insufficient benefits (34%), overwhelming workload (33%), low salary (32%) and lacking work culture (28%).
The study confirms employers are not meeting basic foundational needs for the entirety of their workforces. Given 37.5% of respondents changed job responsibilities during the pandemic, more than half of those changed their jobs completely, and more than 55% of Americans report planning to look for a new job as of the end of August 2021, it should come as no surprise workers are concerned with finding an employer who has their backs. Employers attempting to retain and hire talent amidst The Great Resignation would do well to take note. Kristin Penney, Head of Luminate, powered by Leapgen, and this study’s research director, explains the current labor market. “Talent didn’t become skittish or stubborn as a result of the pandemic; they simply woke up. They’re not settling for less than they deserve, and employers are challenged to rise to the occasion.”
Navigating prolonged health, social justice, employment, education, talent and economic crises have created a watershed moment for workforce experience. Employers have little time to lose in understanding the workforce experience drivers and drainers affecting their ability to hire, engage, and retain today’s workers.
Creating a people-first culture of connection is paramount to unifying, supporting, and elevating people to thrive in this new Now of Work. Jason Averbook, CEO & Co-Founder of Leapgen, explains the necessity of better enabling workers by truly knowing them. “This has always been true of workforce experience,” explains Averbook. “Perhaps what feels like a workforce revolution is really an evolution of our understanding of the workforce. It’s time for HR and the business to act, to change work for good. Employers who build a people-first culture of connection will not only survive The Great Resignation; their business will innovate faster, better compete, and truly thrive.”
The real work of building a deep, sustained, and meaningful culture of connection cannot begin until foundational workforce needs are met. Leapgen’s research provides a guiding star for employers challenged to hire or retain talent, demonstrate progress on inclusion and belonging initiatives, and establish connection and build digital culture in the Now of Work.
Employers must immediately seek to understand the drivers and drainers of their own workforce, equip managers with insights and tools for supportive conversations and decisive action, and demonstrate empathy to workers and potential job seekers. Jim Holincheck, Leapgen’s Vice President of Advisory Services and former Gartner analyst, says it’s abundantly clear a “one-size-fits-all” approach will not meet the wide range of experiences desirable for employees. “This is a critical time for employers to listen, to respond with empathy, and to take decisive action. There are innovative workforce solutions to help you do all of this, but you have to start with listening.”
Read Leapgen’s full report here and register for “DRIVERS & DRAINERS: Leapgen Research Reveals the Truth of Work” on Wednesday, November 17, at 9AM PT, for in-depth explanation of what this research reveals and how employers and workforce technology solution providers can take action. Contact us directly to understand how this study impacts employers, hiring, diversity and inclusion initiatives, and workforce technology solutions.
Leapgen is a global digital transformation company shaping the Now of Work. Highly respected as a visionary partner to organizations looking to design and deliver a digital workforce experience that will produce valued outcomes, Leapgen helps enterprise leaders rethink how to better design and deliver workforce services and architect HR technology solutions that meet the expectations of workers and the needs of the business. Contact us to get started.