Everscale (formerly FreeTON) Partners With Leading Indian Developer Groups Kerala Blockchain Academy & Blockchain Center India for Next Top TON Startup Competition

The partnership will help spotlight the next wave of entrepreneurs during a virtual hackathon and other ongoing contests

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, Nov. 11, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading Everscale (formerly FreeTON) blockchain ecosystem organization FreeTON DeFi Alliance has partnered with two prominent developer groups from India including the Kerala Blockchain Academy and Blockchains Center India to engage more teams and individuals in the Next Top TON startup competition, which is running through December 6, 2021.

FreeTON DeFi Alliance
FreeTON DeFi Alliance

The inaugural Next Top TON Startup was launched with North American blockchain leader GDA Capital and its partners back in September. This one of its kind contest allows blockchain startups to compete with each other, gain access to global industry leaders and investors, and receive 200K+ TON Crystal as well as grants and other benefits.

In addition to the virtual hackathon, participants are taking part in a startup competition, and an accelerator program to pitch their innovative solutions to experts representing the FreeTON ecosystem. All contenders are divided in six tracks including NFT Platforms, DAO Management, Enterprise, DeFi Ecosystem Tools, GameFi and Metaverse.

Winning teams and individuals will receive 50,000 in FreeTON Crystal tokens, while runner-ups will get 30,000 in TON Crystals. 3rd place holders will be awarded with 20,000 tokens. Participants will gain access to other opportunities such as incubation and acceleration programs and virtual meetings with key executives, among other things.

“We are thrilled to have Kerala Blockchain Academy & Blockchain Center India as our new partner for the Next Top TON Startup competition. The Everscale (formerly FreeTON) blockchain network is expanding on a global scale and empowering new talented groups of developers to help redefine our future.” – GDA Capital Co-founder Michael Gord.

“Everscale (formerly FreeTON) is the only end-to-end decentralized, dynamically multithreaded, sharded blockchain architecture that can scale to an internet-level system by leveraging its on-demand scalability and consensus mechanisms to support a trustless, world-wide operating system well suited for mass adoption.” – FreeTON DeFi Alliance Founding Member Nikita Inshakov.

Next Top TON Startup follows the success of GDA Capital’s Next Top Blockchain Startup competition last Summer. Over 600 participants from 65 international universities in 55 different countries came together to help define the future of the blockchain world.

About FreeTON DeFi Alliance

FreeTON DeFi Alliance creates the necessary infrastructure to draw and maintain strong teams and projects, attracts liquidity from other projects to FreeTON and creates partnerships with major companies with large amounts of liquidity and a large number of transactions.

About GDA Capital

GDA Capital is a global organization that provides vertically integrated financial technology services to institutional investors and disruptive technology companies. It is the trusted advisor that bridges the gap between institutional capital markets and disruptive technologies.

Media Contact:

Robert Penington


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