Mirror Review Features Early Birds And Its CEO In The 10 Dominant Cloud Leaders Of 2021

Forde, Dec. 03, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mirror Review, a renowned publication trusted by prominent brands across the world, has listed Kris Poria, the CEO of EarlyBirds, in its list of the top 10 Dominant Cloud Leaders of 2021. Readers can find out more about EarlyBirds and its services by heading over to its website at earlybirds.io.

Mirrorreview cover page kris poriaMirror Review bills itself as a platform for technologists and business people. Its primary audience is C-level and managing-level personnel such as CEOs, CMOs, CTOs, CFOs, CIOs, VPs, and Directors. The company creates content that depicts the achievements of companies and entrepreneurs. It also shines a light on the innovations that are currently disrupting the market in their respective domains. The company has built and maintained a strong B2B network by delivering the most trusted business content and industry insights. Its website is constantly updated with the latest news and blogs covering all the important sectors of technology such as Big Data, Cloud, IoT, Mobility, Networking, Security, Software, and Virtualization. It delivers insight into industry domains such as Automotive, Energy and Utility, Education, ERP, Health, Real Estate, Retail, and Telecom.

EarlyBirds is an innovation ecosystem that is currently home to 2M+ innovators, 500+ organizations, and 100+ SME consultants. It brings together innovators and SME consultants and helps them network with an Early Adopter looking to innovate. An Early Adopter is an established company looking to find an edge in a competitive market by harnessing the innovations that are already being developed by innovators - startups, scaleup or mature, reducing its time to market. The goal of the company is to foster healthy and productive working relationships that are mutually beneficial to the big players as well as bootstrapped or seed-stage innovators.

The magazine talks of Kris Poria by saying, “Kris is recognized as a successful and high-achieving international businessman. He possesses a thirst for learning with a determination to improve business functionality throughout his career. In 2019, Kris established EarlyBirds with his business partner Jeff Penrose (COO and Co-Founder). His encompassing subject-matter knowledge, passion, vision, and boundless energy have accelerated EarlyBirds to great heights of success. Moreover, Kris has also helped the company attain global success by acquiring customers at a rapid rate of knots—making EarlyBirds the obvious choice for custom-made solutions for all parties involved.”

When asked by the magazine to elaborate on the challenges that he faces in the industry, Kris Poria says, “One of the key challenges in leadership and leading any initiative is to understand the unnecessary market noise and keep focusing on what is needed at any given point in time. As a cloud leader, we are responsible to deliver “as a Service” outcomes to the customer while managing all the complexities behind the scenes.”

Kris Poria also offers advice to young entrepreneurs aspiring to make a mark in the cloud industry by saying, “I would suggest focusing on the customer challenge to identify a real opportunity aligning with your passion, experience, and capabilities. Before building any cloud product, research enough to understand if someone else has done it before. You can also use the EarlyBirds platform to identify innovators.”

The article from Mirror Review details the story behind how EarlyBirds came to be, the extent of its current capabilities, and the programs that it offers its business clients. The article also talks about the complexities of delivering IT capabilities to the current industrial landscape, Early Birds’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the launch of more Innovation Maps, a continuously updated view of the discoverable global innovators within each technology group.

Kris invites companies that are developing innovative solutions for industry problems to join and use its platform by saying, “Once innovators find and link to your company profile, we are able to find the Early Adopters willing to give your solution a chance and bring it to market in a controlled manner for feasibility testing. If the initial rollout is successful, it gives you and the Early Adopter a chance to scale, creating a win-win situation for both parties.”


For more information about EarlyBirds, contact the company here:

Mr Kris Poria and Mr Jeff Penrose
+61 401 287 060


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