White Elephant gearing up for the new generation ahead: A new perspective of gaming on a unique portal

White Elephant Finance is an ecosystem built on the Solana Network.

Metro Manila, Philippines, Jan. 07, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- White Elephant Finance’s ecosystem consists of Phant NFT (permissionless marketplace), Phant DEX/SWAP (Serum GUI integration)-[here user’s can trade, swap, add liquidity to their new token, acquire market id—for new spl token.], Phant Launchpad, Phant Wallet, and Phant Arcade. Users can buy and sell NFTs in our Marketplace permissionless.

Their recent project is about Defi and Gamefi. The motive is to build a platform with a portal where they can launch several games for the players to earn and free play games. The game categories will be action-adventure, puzzle, simulation, MOBA, sandbox, and gambling. The plan has three games in the queue and will be launching the first one this January and 2 others between February and March.

The defi part will support the gamefi of the project, DEX, so the players can trade or swap their token, the NFT market for NFT storefront for the games and launchpad for other gamefi or defi projects that would want to launch in solana network.

They have integrated Metaplex as their Store Front, but the end goal is to build their own NFT Marketplace that would be permissionless and trustless. This will be the avenue for the NFT utilities in their games.

Artists could also list their items without going through us. Just connect their wallet-they can mint and sell their arts.

This platform will encourage teams to join the Solana Network. It is not decentralized and all projects will undergo vetting and KYC to ensure the investment of the presale participants will go to teams with meaningful projects.

There will be several mini games for those who are not adept at gaming. There will also be games that will cater gamers (PVP, PVE).

The project has successfully concluded its presale and is gearing for IDO anytime soon. They will deploy a smart contract so IDO participants can swap their USDC, USDT, and SOL for the Phant Token. Price will start at 0.09 but will incrementally increase everytime they sell 100k tickets, to give early buyers the incentive for buying in early.

The team believes that a strong community can drive the success of the project; no investors or venture capitalist as a token holder.

The goal is to be inclusive and attract different demographics for maximum token utility.
For Mini Games, there will be jump and run games, adventure games, puzzle games. This is an easy game and would be cheap to play.

The team at White Elephant are currently running a level up game in the discord. This is a part of community building, player acquisition and to test the method for further fine tuning. Players will receive airdrops every level at the same time the NFT they own will play a part in the Agriculture simulation game.

The portal will generate income via tax. Players who need to convert in-game coins need to pay tax to convert in Phant tokens. Converting from Phant to USDC will require a USDC Tax. This way they can maintain the portal and generate revenue. Any artist who wants to launch their NFT will have to pay a hosting fee. These are the code, software and technology which had been used in building this project. Some are paid services, while some are free.

The goal is to create an ecosystem with a non-custodial wallet as the center of this ecosystem. Here, the portal will integrate an on-ramp fiat to crypto exchange, bridge the games, NFT marketplace, dex/swap and everything that they will launch on the platform.

The project’s main goal is to launch as many P/E Games as it can in this portal and players can play any game using their token. Besides, the project wants to achieve a permission-less and decentralized platform.

This project would have not been realized without help from other developers building on Solana Network and sharing their codes as public goods. Their willingness to share their knowledge has helped them overcome the technical difficulties the team had faced during the build.

The opening of the IDO will be announced via Twitter (https://twitter.com/wecap_io), Discord (https://discord.gg/Uh2uz87S4R), and Telegram Channel (https://t.me/wecapann).

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Website: https://wecap.io/


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