Scott S. Powell’s New Book Calls America to Save Her Future By Rediscovering Her Past

New Book Calls America To Rediscovery!

New York, NY , Jan. 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Why does history matter in the first place? What difference does it really make? According to author Scott S. Powell, rediscovering America is one of the most fundamental issues confronting our nation today. History is the telling of stories of those who came before us. For us to know who we are we must know where we came from. Philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre put it this way, “I can only answer the question ‘What am I to do?’ if I can answer the prior question ‘Of what story or stories do I find myself a part?’”

by Scott S. Powell
Rediscovering America: How the National Holidays Tell an Amazing Story about Who We Are Hardcover – March 8, 2022

Today, there are many who have sought to use our history to divide rather than unite us. Recently, Scott S. Powell has penned a compelling book entitled, Rediscovering America, on how to save America from external and internal forces seeking to divide us. When asked why he authored this book, he exclaimed, “I simply love this country! And am deeply concerned about the world my in which my daughter will grow up.”

Furthermore, Scott S. Powell is a husband, father, university instructor, patriot and one of the country's chief champions on what makes America exceptional. For more than 30 years Scott has devoted his life to helping people grasp the importance of why the U.S. Constitution is fundamental to maintaining our God-given freedoms. Powell’s work has been published in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Barron's Financial, New York Post, San Francisco Chronicle, and the Chicago Tribune and some 40 other publications.

According to Rediscovering America, although the answer to the question of what it means to be an American is different for each person, almost no one would refer to the United States as “just another nation.” The concept of “America” has always carried big and positive attributes. Even repressive and precarious regimes indirectly pay tribute to America’s unique stature in the world by singling out the United States above all other nations as the target of their greatest hatred and condemnation.

“From the first settlers to today’s immigrants arriving at America’s shores and borders 400 years later, the mythic sense of America as being a place of refuge and sanctuary, a land of second chances, renewal and new beginnings, a place of unexplored frontiers with unlimited possibilities has remained remarkably persistent—providing unique and powerful optimism” says Powell.

Powell gives a compelling account in Rediscovering America: How the National Holidays Tell an Amazing Story about Who We Are, in which he gives a point-by-point master class on what it’s going to take to save America from herself. Powell’s account of the American story is deeply personal to his very own story. After his freshman year, Powell left college and sailed some 5,000 miles on a 17-foot gaff-rigged sailboat and then backpacked around the world to compare and contrast how other societies and governing systems were different from America’s. By the time of his return, Powell not only recognized how unique our system is, but also why it is critical to keep America a free nation that’s governed “by the people, for the people.”

In Rediscovering America, Powell makes a compelling case that most of our present problems can be solved by better understanding the past. In the course of the book the reader gains insight on character qualities that enabled those who came before us to overcome great obstacles and succeed against what appeared to be insurmountable odds. Most readers of the book find themselves pleasantly surprised by discovering the well-spring of character attributes that built America. By connecting the present to the past, Powell gives an evidence-based criticism of the 1619 Project and Critical Race theory, pointing out how these ideas seek to divide us rather than unite us. In the book, Powell instead clings to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who espoused a message of unity rather than a message division and acrimony.

Rediscovering America is not only genuinely entertaining to read, but it is also deeply important! I learned many things from reading it and am already excited to share them with anyone I meet” says Eric Metaxas a New York Times bestselling author.

In painting a comprehensive picture of America, Powell doesn’t gloss over the hard parts e.g., slavery and Civil Rights. The book acknowledges the fact that America is not perfect. Yet the Declaration and Constitution provided the framework that would provide moral and legal arguments to end slavery and segregation. Evoking the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Powell’s message is a message where all Americans regardless of race, creed, national origins, and socio-economic backgrounds can flourish in America, where all men are judged by the “content of their character and not the color of their skin.” Powell’s page-turning book is a must read for all who seek “Liberty and justice for all” and those with an open mind seeking to rediscover the true story of America.

For more information visit: Rediscovering America website:

The book is also available on Amazon for Presale at:

About the Author 

About Scott S. Powell

Scott S. Powell is a husband, father, educator, patriot and one of the nation’s foremost experts on American conservatism. Scott Powell has been an entrepreneur for 30+ years, founding two companies. Over the last three decades Scott has dedicated his life to helping others gain a truthful assessment of America and the American Dream. His writings have appeared in major publications such as the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Barron’s Financial, New York Post, San Francisco Chronicle, and Chicago Tribune to name a few. He’s a Senior fellow at the Discovery institute and has been a fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. Recently, Scott has penned a compelling book entitled, Rediscovering America on how to save America from external and internal forces.

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Author Scott S. Powell