Preliminary information on Martela's 2021 revenue and operating result

Based on unaudited preliminary financial statements for 2021 Martela’s revenue did not reach the level published in the outlook for 2021 on February 5, 2021.  

Based on unaudited preliminary financial statements 2021 the revenue improved slightly and operating result improved compared to the previous year. Revenue was approximately EUR 92 million (88.4) and operating result was approximately EUR -1.5 million (-4.0).

Fourth quarter 2021 revenue and operating result improved clearly when compared to same period last year. Fourth quarter revenue was approximately EUR 29 million (21.9) and operating result approximately EUR 1.2 million (-2.2).  

In the fourth quarter, the revenue did not reach the forecasted level. This was a result of Global material shortage due to the corona pandemic, which resulted into delays in project deliveries. In addition company had to write-off approximately EUR 0.5 million of receivables due to bankruptcy of company’s previous financing partner.

Previous outlook for 2021: The Martela Group anticipates that its revenue and operating result in 2021 will improve compared to the previous year. Traditionally Group’s operating result accumulates during the second half of the year.

Martela will publish its January-December 2021 financial statements on February 11, 2022.

Martela Oyj

Ville Taipale

Additional information
Ville Taipale, CEO, +358 50 557 2611
Kalle Lehtonen, CFO, +358 400 539 968


Nasdaq OMX Helsinki

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Our strategic direction is defined by our mission “Better working” and our vision “People-centric workplaces”. Martela supplies user-centric workplaces where the users and their wellbeing are what matter most. We focus on the Nordic countries because, based on our common open work culture and needs, the Nordic countries are leaders in hybrid workplaces.