General Meeting

Press Release         Ecully, February 16, 2022 – 6 pm

Combined General Meeting of March 23, 2022
Availability of preparatory documents

Spineway informs its shareholders that they are convened to a Combined General Meeting on Friday, March 23, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. at the Group's headquarters, 7 allée Moulin Berger in Ecully (69).

The procedures for holding and participating in the Combined General Meeting of March 23, 2022 are subject to change depending on the evolution of the health situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the legislative and regulatory provisions in force.

In this context, it is recommended that shareholders vote by mail or give their proxy to the Chairman of the Meeting.

Shareholders are also invited to regularly consult the Company's press releases and the section dedicated to the General Meeting on the Company's website (

The notice of meeting, including the agenda and the text of the resolutions presented to the General Meeting, was published in the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO) of February 16, 2022. Details of how to participate and vote at this meeting are included in this notice.

The notice of meeting, as well as all the documents and information provided for in Article R.225-73-1 of the French Commercial Code, may be consulted on the company's website, under the heading "Investors/Regulated Information":

If a quorum was not reached at this first meeting, the shareholders will be convened to a second meeting on April 11, 2022 at 2 pm.

Find out all about Spineway at

This press release has been prepared in both English and French. In case of discrepancies, the French version shall prevail.

Spineway designs, manufactures and markets innovative implants and surgical instruments for treating severe disorders of the spinal column.
Spineway has an international network of over 50 independent distributors and 90% of its revenue comes from exports.
Spineway, which is eligible for investment through FCPIs (French unit trusts specializing in innovation), has received the OSEO Excellence award since 2011 and has won the Deloitte Fast 50 award (2011). Rhône Alpes INPI Patent Innovation award (2013) – INPI Talent award (2015).
ISIN: FR0011398874 - ALSPW



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