Boca Raton, FL, United States , Feb. 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Francis Santa is consistently involved in humanitarian efforts at local, national, and even international levels. He has created this foundation to continue to organize and grow his charitable efforts.
Francis is the founder of Business Image Lift, which is a company with the mission of helping people and companies that have been the victims of online attacks to their reputations. Business Image Lift has helped countless individuals and companies to retake control of their online image and dispel malicious and false content over the past 5 years.
Whether it be donations of his time or monetary donations to groups or individuals, Francis Santa has consistently donated to a wide range of causes. He is an active member of the Jewish community and is directly involved in several hands-on endeavors including food and clothes drives. He also contributes financially through donations to various groups. One such group is called FeedIsrael, which provides immediate relief to those living in Israel who are in need of assistance as well as to create lasting positive changes through legislation and educational programs. Francis Santa is also active in assisting his local homeless community. He is always donating to local organizations dedicated to supporting the local homeless community and is a regular at the food pantry and is. Further, he is also a large supporter of various animal welfare groups. He volunteers his time at local shelters whenever he can and donates to multiple national organizations such as the ASPCA and the Humane Society of the United States.
Via the Francis Santa Foundation, he hopes to not only be able to organize all of his efforts into one place, but to also encourage the growth and spread of his outreach efforts both personally and through the support of others inspired by his personal efforts. With the Francis Santa Foundation, all of the organizations and causes that Francis Santa contributes his efforts to will be posted and discussed in greater detail so that those who are interested in helping out may contribute to these organizations in whatever ways that they see fit. Further, this website will also allow for others to bring their vast knowledge and experiences together in order to bring about new ideas and methods for furthering current outreach projects as well as inspiring new projects altogether. Francis hopes that this foundation and accompanying website will not only create a larger awareness of these causes, but also that they will help to increase donations toward these goals as well.
Located on the website, a contact page will be present for those who are interested in learning more about any of the causes or organizations mentioned or for people that are interested in hearing more about the Francis Santa Foundation or Francis Santa himself.