Shareholders’ General Meeting of 12 April 2022

Nanterre, 12 April 2022

Shareholders General Meeting of 12 April 2022

  • Approval of all resolutions
  • 2021 dividend: final dividend of €2.25 to be paid in cash on 28 April 2022
  • Renewal of Xavier Huillard, Marie-Christine Lombard, René Medori and Qatar Holding LLC’s terms of office as directors
  • Appointment of Claude Laruelle as director
  • Further confirmation of the Group’s environmental ambitions: target of reducing indirect CO2 emissions (scope 3) by 20% between 2019 and 2030 – validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

VINCI’s combined shareholders’ general meeting took place on 12 April 2022 at the Salle Pleyel in Paris, and was chaired by Xavier Huillard, the Group’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

With a 70,25% quorum, the meeting approved all the resolutions submitted, of which:

  • the parent company and consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2021;
  • the distribution of a dividend of €2.90 per share with respect to 2021. Since an interim dividend of €0.65 per share was paid in November 2021, a final dividend of €2.25 per share will be paid on 28 April 2022. The ex-date for the final dividend payment will be 26 April 2022;
  • the renewal of Marie-Christine Lombard, René Medori and Qatar Holding LLC’s terms of office as directors for a period of four years;
  • the appointment of Claude Laruelle as director;
  • the renewal of Xavier Huillard’s term of office as director for a period of four years.

VINCI’s Board of Directors, in a meeting held after the end of the general meeting, decided to appoint Xavier Huillard as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, it being stipulated that the Board does not intend to alter the age limits provided for in the articles of association. As a result, Xavier Huillard’s roles as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer will be separated before the end of his new term of office.

At a time when VINCI is stepping up the implementation of its environmental ambitions, the general meeting was an opportunity to give details about a new target, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The Group has undertaken to reduce its scope 3 carbon footprint by 20% between 2019 and 2030. It will help customers and users in their efforts to reduce their own impact as part of its overall environmental strategy, which features a number of initiatives, offerings and solutions in each business line. This new commitment is in addition to the target set in 2020 to reduce direct CO2 emissions (scopes 1 and 2) by 40% between 2018 and 2030.

In addition, lsabelle Spiegel, VINCI’s Global Head of Environment, has been appointed to the Group’s Executive Committee.

Finally, the Board of Directors paid a heartfelt tribute to Yves-Thibault de Silguy for the loyalty and commitment he has shown to the Group over the course of his various roles. It also thanked Miloud Hakimi and Uwe Chlebos for their unfailing dedication as directors representing employees.

Voting results and the video of the general meeting will soon be available on the Group’s website (

Forthcoming events:

  • 14 April 2022: publication of VINCI Airports traffic for the 1st quarter of 2022
  • 21 April 2022: quarterly information at 31 March 2022


VINCI is a global player in concessions, energy and construction businesses, employing more than 260,000 people in some 100 countries. We design, finance, build and operate infrastructure and facilities that help improve daily life and mobility for all. Because we believe in all-round performance, we are committed to operating in an environmentally, socially responsible and ethical manner. And because our projects are in the public interest, we consider that reaching out to all our stakeholders and engaging in dialogue with them is essential in the conduct of our business activities. Based on that approach, VINCI’s ambition is to create long-term value for its customers, shareholders, employees, partners and society in general.

This press release is an official information document of the VINCI Group.  

VINCI Press Department
Tel: +33 (0)1 57 98 62 90


