Lexicon Employees Donate Sheets, Pillows and Other Materials to Ukrainian Refugees

ST. LOUIS, April 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Lexicon employees have donated more than $1,500 worth of cash and goods to aid Ukrainian refugees in Poland who have fled the violence in their country. The items donated include blankets, pillows and sheets that are being shipped to towns in Poland housing the refugees.

“The people of Ukraine, through no fault of their own, are being forced to flee their homes, and the employees of Lexicon have stepped up to provide some small measure of support,” said Lexicon CEO Dan Cuneo. “Lexicon employees are phenomenal, in large part because of their generous, kind spirit. Our employees see the ongoing crisis, and they do what they can to help people who have been displaced, and I am tremendously proud of that.”

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Lexicon is a legal software company that provides a comprehensive approach to practice management software. With more than a decade of experience growing firms, Lexicon enables attorneys to maximize productive use of their time when working cases. Visit LexiconServices.com for more information.


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