MINNEAPOLIS, April 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- New studies detailed by the New York Times are sounding the alarm. COVID has led to an ‘alarming’ reading emergency, with early reading skills falling to 20-year lows in some states. Every demographic is impacted, but low-income, Black, Hispanic, and non-fluent English-speaking children are hit especially hard.
The essential truth is that reading proficiency is directly linked to high school drop-out rates, earning potential, and crime rates. It’s in Minnesota’s best interest to rally around our youth and improve early reading skills. For the 9th consecutive year, Start Reading Now strives to do exactly that.
Start Reading Now is a Minneapolis-based nonprofit addressing the fact that on average, low-income families have less than one book at home. By providing 30 free books from 1st through 3rd grade, thousands of Minneapolis schoolchildren can read over summer break, prevent summer skills slide, and build their at-home library.
Each year Start Reading Now hosts book fairs and provides students a $50 voucher to buy 10 new books after 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. With book fairs finally back in person and in partnership with Minneapolis Public Schools, KIPP North Star Primary School and Hennepin County Library, Start Reading Now will be serving thousands of kids at 19 different schools this year.
“Once again kids can earn an 11th free book through collaboration with Hennepin County Library and its innovative Read Write Draw program. This will build on the collaboration's past success, which saw libraries near a Start Reading Now school experience an increase in Read Write Draw program participation." — Bernie Farrell, HCL Community Engagement Coordinator
Since 2014, Start Reading Now has hosted over 100 book fairs and served more than 20,000 students across Minneapolis. This year alone, the nonprofit will deliver another 29,000 new books to 2,900 well-deserving kids! At the end of the book fairs this year, Start Reading Now will have delivered around 230,000 new books into the hands of kids who need them most.
“I am so excited for this! 1st, 2nd and 3rd [graders] this year! Wow! … Thanks for doing this again! One of my favorite events of the school year.” — Meaghan Harvey, MPS Teacher
“I'm grateful for this opportunity. Watching our students choose and read their new books is one of the highlights of the school year for me!” — Gail McCollum, MPS Teacher
About Start Reading Now:
Start Reading Now is a research-based program that is funded with donations from the community. Over 95% of revenue goes directly to the program, with every dollar making a difference. Start Reading Now is financially supported by hundreds of individuals as well as these generous sponsors: Atomic Data, Roger and Nancy McCabe Foundation, Lynne & Andrew Redleaf Foundation, Integrated Equity Management, Wedding Day Diamonds, and Transport Distribution Services. Learn more about Start Reading Now at www.StartReadingNow.org