Car finance claims are on the rise due to the FCA findings on hidden commissions looks after the issues that customers may have to counter in case of mis-sold car finance.

Liverpool, UK, April 28, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mis-sold car finance has become a widespread and serious issue affecting millions of UK drivers. According to Jonathan Davidson (Executive Director of Supervision in Retail and Authorisation at the FCA), motor dealers are charging their customer's exorbitant rates, which sometimes amount to more than £1000 in order to attain a bigger commission pay-outs for themselves. This could be estimated at around £300 million annually. A nuisance such as this is causing harm to the business fraternity and should be stopped immediately.

The FCA, in their visits to automobile dealerships, found that the scandal in mis-sold car finance among UK consumers was estimated to be £300,000,000 per year. Only 28% of car dealerships notified the customers about missed payments and their consequences. looks after the issues that customers may have to counter in case of mis-sold car finance. Mostly, in mis-sold car finance, the amount of car finance compensation that you are entitled to depend on various factors, like the amount of money that was paid during purchasing the car and the commission attained during the sale.

To ensure a NO WIN NO FEE car finance claim, the customers have to prove that they were not informed of the commission being charged otherwise they have to prove that the finance deal was not appropriate for them and was unsuitable. These processes are time-consuming and cannot be done single-handedly.

In such a case, it becomes better if someone else or an expert would have done the work. We take care of all these issues and do all of the tedious work for your benefit. We, at have made a team of competent experts who skillfully can complete the entire process by filling up and completing all the paperwork and at the same tracking and reminding your lender at regular intervals.

Why should you choose us?

Although there exist several claim companies, offering nearly the same services, we are different from the rest in many ways.

First of all, we do not hide any charges in small print and never charge any money up-front. We always strive to keep our promise and never conceal it behind small prints. We do not misguide our customers.

We value our customers and aspire to retain the trust imposed on us by our clients. We avoid making unpleasant deals at the end of the process.

Our team consists of experienced and dedicated professionals who can guide you in every single step of the way. We never send unwanted text messages to our customers or make cold calls to them. Our customers choose us by themselves.

As said by our director, we have witnessed about a 150% hike in web traffic on our website. Demand for car finance providers is on the rise due to insufficient information and hidden commissions.

About our company

We work alongside a panel of solicitors who run our cases on a NO WIN NO FEE basis. We assure our customers of fair transactions and we endeavor to do our best to make your claim an easy and smooth process.

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