Questex Content Recognized for Excellence, Wins Five National and Eight Regional AZBEE Awards from the American Society of Business Publication Editors

NEW YORK, May 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Questex, a leading information services company, today announces it has won five national and eight regional AZBEE awards. AZBEE Awards are the most competitive awards programs for trade media, produced by the American Society of Business Publication Editors.

The awards were won by Fierce Biotech, Fierce Pharma, Bar & Restaurant and Club Industry.

“Every day our content teams report on the news and share information in their target industries and turn that into essential, actionable insights for our audiences,” said Paul Miller, CEO, Questex. “It is an honor to be recognized by this prestigious awards program and we are very proud of our content team for their commitment to serve their audiences.”

National AZBEE awards:

  • Silver - Web Feature Series: Forced into a Virtual World, Fierce Biotech 
  • Bronze - Web Feature Series: LGBTQ+ in Biotech, Fierce Biotech 
  • Bronze - Online Single Topic Coverage by a Team: Biogen's Aduhelm Launch, Fierce Pharma
  • Bronze - Best Social Media Campaign: Social media coverage from Bar & Restaurant Expo and Instagram Live series "Side Bar" 
  • Bronze - Original Research: Club Industry's Top 100 Health Clubs of 2021

Regional AZBEE awards:

  • Gold - New England region: Web Feature Series, Forced into a Virtual World, Fierce Biotech 
  • Gold - New England region: Online Single Topic Coverage by a Team, Biogen's Aduhelm Launch, Fierce Pharma
  • Silver - New England region: Online State of the Industry, Fierce Pharma Special Reports
  • Silver - New England region: Online - Web Feature Series, LGBTQ+ in biotech, Fierce Biotech 
  • Silver - New England region: Online Breaking News Coverage, Biogen's Aduhelm approval, Fierce Pharma staff
  • Bronze - New England region: Online - Online State of the Industry, Fierce Biotech Special Reports
  • Bronze - Northeast region: Best Social Media Campaign: Social media coverage from Bar & Restaurant Expo and Instagram Live series “Side Bar”
  • Bronze - Northeast region: Original Research: Club Industry’s Top 100 Health Clubs of 2021

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About Questex
Questex helps people live better and longer. Questex brings people together in the markets that help people live better: travel, hospitality and wellness; the industries that help people live longer: life science and healthcare; and the technologies that enable and fuel these new experiences. We live in the experience economy – connecting our ecosystem through live events, surrounded by data insights and digital communities. We deliver experience and real results. It happens here.

Media Contact
Kate Spellman
Chief Marketing Officer
212 895 8488‬