San Diego SEO Expert Company Offers Scientific SEO Audits

San Diego, June 17, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- San Diego, California -

San Diego, California - San Diego SEO Company is pleased to announce that they can provide scientific search engine optimization (SEO) audits for both local and national organizations. In this SEO audit, they assess the client’s on page SEO factors, such as the meta description, the H1, H2, H3 and H4 tags, the title tags, the LSI keywords, word count, images and all image alt tags, structured data, and internal linking structure. They will also examine the current back link profile to determine any toxic links that could be having negative effects on the website performance in Google, and they will also assess the technical SEO factors for those factors that have a negative impact on rankings.

Sam Wright, a spokesperson for the SEO company, says, “Our approach to SEO is designed to provide results for local and national companies. We use the most advanced techniques to improve the ranking of your websites in Google and Bing. Google is based on science and we use science to give Google exactly what it wants to see. We use analysis techniques to determine the most effective SEO plan for your company website. There are large number of San Diego SEO companies but we believe we are a bit different. We care about small businesses in San Diego and we use the same advanced technology to help your company whether it is a 1 person operation or a large corporation. We work with both small 1 - 2 person companies all they way up to multi billion dollar corporations.”

The basic services provided by San Diego SEO Company are: local San Diego SEO; GMB optimization; Joomla SEO; and scientific SEO audits. Their local SEO services has several components: on page SEO in connection with the local markets; Google My Business optimization; Bing for business optimization; Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and You Tube in relation to the client’s local brand; and optimization for Yelp and other major review sites.

With regards to GMB optimization, there are several things to do. These include: choosing all relevant categories for the business; adding 360 photos for the location; uploading logo and 10 to 20 relevant business photos; adding videos to the location; pointing GMB to a relevant page on the website; adding relevant services; completing the business description; pointing regularly to one’s GMB posts; adding reservation URL if applicable; creating relevant citations on high authority sites; gaining relevant high quality reviews and recommendations; and gaining relevant backlinks from high authority local websites.

They also provide services for enhancing the SEO of a Joomla website. As such, they will be helping seven SEO on page factors for Joomla SEO and WordPress SEO, such as: the title tag of the page; keyword in the URL; keyword in the first 100 words; keyword in the H1, H2 and H3 tags; keyword density; keyword in the file name of the image; and keyword in the image alt tag.

San Diego SEO Company has been providing SEO services since 1997 and 85 percent of their clients are based in the city of San Diego, California. In addition, many of their team members live and work in San Diego, with several of them having been born and raised there. This implies that they fully comprehend the local dynamic of the San Diego market. The services they provide include SEO, pay per click advertising, email marketing, and marketing analysis. They believe that marketing analysis is vital because they don’t provide one size fits all marketing since each client is unique. Thus, they always customize the SEO, PPC and marketing plan for every client. They are differentiating themselves from other SEO companies through their scientific approach to SEO. The utilize correlation analysis tools and advanced mathematical models to determine those SEO factors that have to be improved to help in boosting the rankings of their clients’ websites. They have recently begun to use the same machine learning technology that Google is applying in its algorithm to find those vital ranking factors.

Those who would like to know more about the SEO services offered by the San Diego SEO Company can visit their website, or contact them through the telephone, or via email. They are open from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm, from Monday to Friday; and from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on Saturdays.


For more information about San Diego SEO Company, contact the company here:

San Diego SEO Company
Sam Wright
(619) 319-9792
450 B St
San Diego
CA 92101


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