WASHINGTON, D.C., July 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Cancer Support Community (CSC) joins its CSC and Gilda’s Club network partners in the launch of a new social media campaign, #GetScreened, to encourage people to take a pledge to get their routine cancer screenings and urge their friends and families to do the same.
The #GetScreened initiative comes as a response to the relaunch of the White House’s Cancer Moonshot, in which the President and the First Lady announced a call to action to prioritize a return to routine cancer screenings. It is estimated that nearly 10 million screenings were missed over the course of the pandemic. Routine screenings are a critical part of a person’s healthcare. Missed screenings may result in cancer being detected and diagnosed at a later, more advanced stage.
“[Had] I not had the screenings, I would not have found it,” said Jennifer, who was diagnosed with breast cancer after a routine mammogram. “It was way deep inside and I had no other signs or symptoms. So I was grateful that I was able to have a mammogram to catch it quickly and get into my treatment quickly, and right now I am cancer free.”
To promote a return to routine screenings, CSC, alongside its network partners, will be promoting the pledge during the week of July 25, 2022. People will be directed to a specially-designed landing page that also serves as an educational hub for information and support related to routine screenings.
Education and support is a key aspect of the #GetScreened campaign because distress, such as anxiety and depression, is commonly experienced by people impacted by cancer. Distress can also prevent individuals from seeking cancer screenings. For this reason, CSC provides emotional support and navigation services along the entire cancer continuum ― from before screening to waiting for test results and throughout diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship ― at its 175 network partner locations and via its toll-free Cancer Support Helpline.
“I am personally passionate about routine screenings because that is what saved my mother's life. Thirty-two years ago, she went for her routine mammogram and it revealed that she had breast cancer,” said CSC CEO Debbie Weir. “If you have questions or concerns, if you’re not sure where to start or what to do after your screening, our Helpline navigators can help. We are here to make sure your questions never go unanswered. Just give us a call.”
Through this #GetScreened campaign, the organization is answering the White House’s call to action to mobilize people to resume their missed or delayed routine cancer screenings.
For more information about the pledge and to access resources on routine cancer screenings, visit: https://www.cancersupportcommunity.org/getscreened
About the Cancer Support Community
As the largest professionally led nonprofit network of cancer support worldwide, the Cancer Support Community (CSC), including its Gilda’s Club network partners, is dedicated to ensuring that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community. CSC achieves its mission through three areas: direct service delivery, research, and advocacy. The organization’s Institute for Excellence in Psychosocial Care includes an international network that offers the highest quality social and emotional support for people impacted by cancer, as well as a community of support available online and over the phone. The Research and Training Institute conducts cutting-edge psychosocial, behavioral, and survivorship research. CSC furthers its focus on patient advocacy through its Cancer Policy Institute, informing public policy in Washington, D.C. and across the nation. For more information, please call the toll-free Cancer Support Helpline at 888-793-9355 or visit www.CancerSupportCommunity.org.