Elis - 2022 half-yearly report relative to the liquidity contract

2022 half-yearly report relative to the liquidity contract

Under the liquidity contract entered into between Elis and Exane BNP Paribas, the following resources appeared on the liquidity account on June 30th, 2022:

  • 88,248 Elis shares
  • € 2,004,095

In the 1st half of 2022, the following resources were traded:

  • On buy side: 858,412 shares for € 12,194,399 (3,010 executions)
  • On sell side: 871,128 shares for € 12,422,883 (3,610 executions)

As a reminder:

1)   The following resources appeared on the last half year statement on December 31st, 2021 on the liquidity account:

  • 117,289 Elis shares
  • € 1,537,451

2)   In the 2nd half of 2021, the following resources were traded:

  • On buy side: 730,709 shares for € 11,399,760 (2,714 executions)
  • On sell side: 735,349 shares for € 11,473,657 (2,934 executions)

3)   The following resources appeared on the liquidity account as of July 1st, 2021, date of implementation of AMF decision n°2021-01 dated June 22nd, 2021:

  • 118,604 Elis shares
  • € 1,512,748

4)   The following resources appeared on the liquidity account when the activity started on March 1st, 2021:

  • 185,022 Elis shares
  • € 497,339


Nicolas Buron - Investor Relations Director - Phone: +33 1 75 49 98 30 - nicolas.buron@elis.com




20220721 - 2022 half-yearly report relative to the liquidity contract