CORRECTION to Terms for Nykredit's and Totalkredit's auctions - Totalkredit A/S

To Nasdaq Copenhagen  

CORRECTION to Terms for Nykredit's and Totalkredit's auctions

With reference to the terms for Nykredit's and Totalkredit's refinancing auctions published in a stock exchange announcement on 3 August 2022, we hereby publish changes to the volumes of two of the auctions in EUR. The changes are due to an internal error, and the correct volumes can be found in the included Appendix. All other terms remain unchanged.

Questions may be addressed to Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Group Treasury, Christian Mauritzen, tel +45 44 55 10 14.

Other questions may be addressed to Corporate Communications, tel +45 44 55 14 50.

Appendix: Settlement times and amounts offered for bonds issued through Capital Centre H and G

ISINCapital centreIT / RF*CouponMaturity dateBids onInterest rate triggerLCR levelCurrencyAuction datesSettlementOffering (million)
DK0009526139SDO (H)RF101/07/2025Price-1bDKK16/08/202210:3010:40700
DK0009539702SDO (H)ITAdjustable01/10/2023Yield-1bDKK17/08/202213:0013:103,800
DK0009536443SDO (H)RFAdjustable01/04/2025Yield-1bDKK17/08/202210:3010:4010,300
DK0009536526RO (G)RFAdjustable01/10/2025Yield-1bDKK17/08/202211:3011:4011,650
DK0009538654SDO (H)RFAdjustable01/04/2025Yield-1bEUR18/08/202211:3011:40750
DK0009536609SDO (H)RFAdjustable01/10/2025Yield-1bEUR19/08/202211:3011:40675
DK0009536799SDO (H)RFAdjustable01/04/2026Yield-non-levelEUR19/08/202213:0013:1050

*        (IT) Interest rate and refinancing trigger/(RF) Refinancing trigger

Please note that the Nykredit Group is not obliged to sell the announced offering, and the offering may furthermore be subject to changes following loan disbursements in the auction period. In addition, the entire or parts of the offering may be postponed, but not later than the second-last business day of this quarter.

On or before the second-last business day of this quarter, it must be ascertained whether the number of purchasers was sufficient for all the covered bonds offered. The market must be notified hereof immediately by way of a company announcement.


