EarlyBirds Facilitates Construction And Building Industry Transition to Net Zero

Forde, Nov. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EarlyBirds.io, builders of the Open Innovation Ecosystem, is pleased to announce that they and their platform can assist with transitioning the building and construction industries to Net Zero carbon emissions, to effectively limit the impacts of climate change on the world.

Currently, the construction industry is responsible, directly or indirectly, for nearly 40 percent of global CO2 emissions from fuel combustion and almost 25% of greenhouse gas emissions overall. Construction has an outsized impact on global warming because many of the common materials used in modern buildings, such as cement and steel, can be very energy intensive to produce. On top of that, there’s also the energy load of heating and cooling buildings which accounts for 6 percent of global emissions. Because the design of a building and the materials used to build it are an important factor in the amount of energy required to heat or cool that building, it is important for the construction industry to consider not just the impact of construction but also the impact building design will have on ongoing operating costs and energy use.

Of course, transitioning buildings to Net Zero Carbon Emissions isn’t just about building new buildings, as new buildings are necessarily more energy resource intensive than existing buildings. The work of making buildings climate friendly will create opportunities to retrofit existing buildings as well as ensuring new construction generates minimal emissions. Increasing demand for sustainable retrofitting solutions for existing buildings will put pressure on manufacturers and installers of low emission building material and green building systems to track and improve their energy use. The first companies to move into green engineering and performance are likely to be big winners, and EarlyBirds wants to help companies in the construction and building space think about how to make their work more planet-friendly. Companies focused on adopting new technologies and integrating them into their work are known to EarlyBirds as Early Adopters. Such organizations can find information about how they can use EarlyBirds to find innovative technologies to reduce carbon emissions in their work here: https://earlybirds.io/en/early_adopter. With the building industry, including construction, materials, equipment and operations, expected to grow by 38 percent by 2030, many new value pools are being created and the competitive landscape is being reshaped.

The World Economic Forum outlines that tackling the challenges in the construction industry, both in terms of building materials and in new construction industry, both in terms of building material used in new construction and improving energy efficiency of buildings in use, will be crucial to reach the goals of Paris Agreement. By changing the way our supply chains work and stimulating innovative public procurement, we can accelerate innovation, extend product lifecycles and significantly change the way we build for a circular and climate-neutral future.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals encourage nations and businesses to adopt inclusive and sustainable industrialisation, together with innovation and infrastructure to unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces to generate employment and income. This includes promoting new technologies, facilitating international trade and enabling the efficient use of resources. EarlyBirds enables this innovation by connecting organizations with engineers, designers, and others who are creating the innovations needed to achieve net zero carbon emissions and reach the Sustainable Development Goals.

By creating innovation maps of the construction and building industry ecosystem and linking these to net zero goals and the circular economy supplies a fundamental building block for planning projects towards greater sustainability. These maps can be created with EarlyBirds award winning platform and services. EarlyBirds innovation maps are populated with the innovators from across the world including startup, scaleup and mature companies. The maps are updated in near real time and change in accordance with emerging industry trends and issues. These are created using subject matter experts and drawing on data from over 4 million global innovators.

Innovators interested in being included in these innovation maps or learning more about how EarlyBirds can connect them with organizations that want to use their technology, can go to https://earlybirds.io/en/innovator.


For more information about EarlyBirds, contact the company here:

Mr Kris Poria and Mr Jeff Penrose
+61 401 287 060


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