Interim Report January – September 2022

Third quarter 2022

  • Net sales for the quarter amounted to MSEK 24 (24)
  • Gross margin for the quarter increased to 35% (34%)
  • Operating loss increased to MSEK -14 (-13)
  • Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.04 (-0.09)
  • Events after the reporting period:
    • In October, we decided to carry out a directed issue of units. We also decided, subject to approval at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), to carry out another directed issue of units. For the first issue, we will issue a maximum of 1,666,665 ordinary shares and 555,555 warrants of series 2022/2023, which entitles the holder to subscribe for a total of 555,555 ordinary shares. One (1) warrant of series 2022/2023 entitle the holder to subscribe for one (1) new share in Anoto and the subscription price is SEK 0.600000003. The shares and warrants can only be subscribed for in units. A unit consists of three (3) shares and one (1) warrant of series 2022/2023. The subscription price per unit is SEK 1.800000009, corresponding to a subscription price per share of SEK 0.600000003. The warrants are issued free of charge. Through the issue, we received approximately SEK 1,000,000 before issue costs. If all warrants are exercised, we will receive a further sum of approximately SEK 333,333. For the second issue, which is subject to an approval at an EGM, we will issue a maximum of 3,333,336 ordinary shares and 1,111,112 warrants of series 2022/2023, which entitle the holder to subscribe for a total of 1,111,112 ordinary shares. One (1) warrant of series 2022/2023 entitles the holder to subscribe for one (1) new share in Anoto and the subscription price is SEK 0.600000003. The shares and warrants can only be subscribed for in units. A unit consists of three (3) shares and one (1) warrant of series 2022/2023. A unit consists of three (3) shares and one (1) warrant of series 2022/2023. The subscription price per unit is SEK 1.800000009, corresponding to a subscription price per share of SEK 0.600000003. The warrants are issued free of charge. Through the issue, we received approximately SEK 2,000,000 before issue costs. If all warrants are exercised, we will receive a further sum of approximately SEK 666,667

January – September 2022

  • Net sales for the period amounted to MSEK 61 (51)

  • Gross margin for the period increased to 63% (51%)

  • Operating loss decreased to MSEK -37 (-38)

  • Earnings per share before and after dilution amounted to SEK -0.17 (-0.22)

  • During the first quarter, we carried out a directed rights issue of 7,500,000 new ordinary shares at a subscription price of SEK 0.781 per share. Through the issue, we received approximately SEK 5.9 MSEK before issue costs

  • During the second quarter, we announced that Anoto had entered into a development agreement with Samsung Display Company Ltd (Samsung). Anoto has, after being evaluated since the summer of 2020, been commissioned to develop a digital screen pen for Samsung’s foldable OLED screens for mobile phones, tablets and PCs. The development is expected to finish during Q4 2022, whereafter Samsung intends to start mass production through which Anoto will receive royalty income for each sold pen according to an upcoming license agreement

  • During the second quarter, we carried out an offset issue of 6,666,666 ordinary shares through which Anoto received MSEK 5 before issue costs through set off of claims against Anoto. The subscription price for the issue was 0.75 SEK per share, which corresponds to the volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of the Anoto share during the last ten trading days before the date of the request of the set-off

For further information, please contact:

Joonhee Won, CEO, Anoto Group AB

For more information about Anoto, please visit or email

This information is information that Anoto Group AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, on 30 November 2022 at 22:00 CET.

About Anoto Group

Anoto is a publicly held Swedish technology company known globally for innovation in the area of information-rich patterns and the optical recognition of those patterns. It is a leader in digital writing and drawing solutions, having historically used its 30proprietary technology to develop smartpens and the related software. These smartpens enrich the daily lives of millions of people around the world. Anoto currently has three main business lines: Livescribe retail, Enterprise Forms and OEM. Anoto also owns Knowledge AI, a leading AI based education solution company, as its majority-controlled subsidiary. Anoto is traded on the Small Cap list of Nasdaq Stockholm under ANOT.



Anoto Quarterly Report for Q3 2022 report Rapport Q3_2022_En