Wattum Announces New B2B Broker Services

MIAMI, Jan. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Wattum Management, Inc (“Wattum”) has announced the launch of their Elite B2B Broker Services, a new service offering which allows businesses to buy and sell excess inventory utilizing Wattum’s own network of clients and partners.

Acting as a middleman, Wattum’s role is to help facilitate the relationship by sourcing sought after inventory for buyers at desirable prices, and ensuring that sellers are connected with interested parties in order to sell their inventory faster.

Wattum is a complete Bitcoin mining equipment and solutions provider based out of Miami, Florida. The company is well known for providing end to end crypto mining solutions for a global network of clients, providing both clients and partners with the latest generation mining hardware, including new and pre-owned ASIC miners; mobile mining containers; complete hosting services at their own facilities across the United States; facility build outs; and joint-venture opportunities. 

The latest in a long list of service offerings, Wattum’s B2B Broker services will enable clients to source and sell inventory faster and in fewer steps, a helpful resource to have during a bear market. 

To participate in Wattum’s new B2B Broker Services, clients must adhere to a short list of requirements in order to ensure that the transaction runs smoothly for all those involved. 

Anyone interested in participating can inquire directly by emailing info@wattum.io.

Igor Kovalyshkin