Bekaert - Update on the Share Buyback Program and the Liquidity Agreement

Update on the Share Buyback Program and the Liquidity Agreement
Period from 12 January 2023 to 18 January 2023

Share Buyback Program

On 25 February 2022, Bekaert announced a € 120 million program to buy back its own shares (the "Program"). The Program was split into four equal tranches of € 30 million and all shares bought as part of the Program will be cancelled. The purpose of the Program is to reduce the issued share capital of the company.

The fourth and last tranche of the Program started on 18 November 2022.

Bekaert announces today that during the period from 12 January 2023 to 18 January 2023, Kepler Cheuvreux on behalf of Bekaert has bought 47 728 shares.

The table below provides an overview of the transactions under the fourth tranche of the Program during the period from 12 January 2023 to 18 January 2023:

  Repurchase of shares
Date Market Number of Shares Average Price paid (€) Highest Price paid (€) Lowest Price paid (€) Total Amount (€)
12 January 2023 Euronext Brussels 5 397 39.04 39.28 38.66 210 699
  MTF CBOE 2 250 39.05 39.24 38.78 87 863
  MTF Turquoise 939 39.07 39.44 38.68 36 687
  MTF Aquis 1 729 39.06 39.26 38.76 67 535
13 January 2023 Euronext Brussels 6 910 39.10 39.24 38.84 270 181
  MTF CBOE 2 946 39.11 39.22 38.90 115 218
  MTF Turquoise
  MTF Aquis
16 January 2023 Euronext Brussels 4 962 39.02 39.26 38.72 193 617
  MTF CBOE 4 022 38.98 39.28 38.66 156 778
  MTF Turquoise 0 0
  MTF Aquis 0 0
17 January 2023 Euronext Brussels 6 152 39.30 39.48 39.04 241 774
  MTF CBOE 3 748 39.32 39.48 39.02 147 371
  MTF Turquoise
  MTF Aquis
18 January 2023 Euronext Brussels 4 936 39.20 39.46 38.72 193 491
  MTF CBOE 3 737 39.20 39.48 38.72 146 490
  MTF Turquoise
  MTF Aquis
Total   47 728 39.13 39.48 38.66 1 867 704

Liquidity agreement

In relation to the renewed liquidity agreement with Kepler Cheuvreux announced on 2 September 2022, Bekaert announces today that Kepler Cheuvreux on behalf of Bekaert has bought 4 800 shares during the period from 12 January 2023 to 18 January 2023 on Euronext Brussels. During the same period, Kepler Cheuvreux on behalf of Bekaert has sold 4 122 shares on Euronext Brussels.

The tables below provide an overview of the transactions under the liquidity agreement during the period from 12 January 2023 to 18 January 2023:

  Purchase of shares
Date Number of Shares Average Price (€) Highest Price (€) Lowest Price (€) Total Amount (€)
12 January 2023 800 38.90 39.00 38.80 31 120
13 January 2023 1 600 38.94 39.00 38.90 62 304
16 January 2023 1 200 38.80 38.90 38.70 46 560
17 January 2023 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
18 January 2023 1 200 38.90 39.00 38.80 46 680
Total 4 800 186 664

  Sale of shares
Date Number of Shares Average Price (€) Highest Price (€) Lowest Price (€) Total Amount (€)
12 January 2023 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
13 January 2023 400 39.20 39.20 39.20 15 680
16 January 2023 400 39.20 39.20 39.20 15 680
17 January 2023 800 39.35 39.40 39.30 31 480
18 January 2023 2 522 39.43 39.70 39.20 99 442
Total 4 122 162 282

The balance held by Bekaert under the liquidity agreement at the end of the period is 43 836 shares.

On 18 January 2023 after closing of the market, Bekaert holds 4 515 383 own shares, or 7.65% of the total number of the outstanding shares.

This information is also made available on the investor relations pages of our website.




p230120E - Bekaert - Update on the Share Buyback Program and the Liquidity Agreement