Tim Cox Announces Run for Henderson City Council Seat Ward One

Henderson, Jan. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Henderson, Nevada -

Business optimization strategist Tim Cox unexpectedly announced today the official launch of his campaign for Henderson City Council Ward One.

“Even though several neighbors and friends encouraged me to run, I had not originally planned to be a candidate. I knew quite a few people had already entered the race,” said Cox. “But then I realized no other candidate was talking about some of the issues important to me, my family, and my community. I really believe that a different perspective needs to be part of the conversation and reasoned; if not me, then who?”

Tim Cox Henderson City Council Ward One

“The announced candidates offered a similar perspective as our current city leadership, which, although Henderson council and mayoral positions are officially nonpartisan, does not – as far as I am aware – include any members of the Democratic Party,” Cox shared. “I want to be sure we consider things like public safety from more than just an enforcement perspective. What about common sense gun regulation and addressing issues such as poverty, mental health, and substance abuse? I want our city to take a more holistic approach to community livability that encompasses the physical, social, economic, and environmental factors that make our community a great place, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life for all residents.”

Tim Cox is not related to recently elected Ward 3 Councilwoman Carrie Cox.

Cox has developed an “A.C.T.I.O.N.” agenda of the six priorities he will pursue if elected: Alive communities, Comprehensive public safety, Thoughtful development, Inclusive government accountability, Opportunity for all, and Needed fiscal responsibility. He admits that he probably takes a more progressive approach than his competitors. Cox and his family first became part of the Henderson community when they purchased a vacation home in the city in 2011. Since 2016, Cox has been honored to call Henderson home. "We love Henderson, but I also realize it won't continue to be a great place without strong, solid planning and governance."

As an award-winning speaker, certified EMPIRE coach, and business optimization strategist, Cox professionally focuses on empowering entrepreneurs and their leadership teams to take control of their business so they can have extraordinary businesses and lives. He works with clients both domestically and internationally to implement proven business operating systems and processes to increase business efficiency, growth, and bottom-line results. "I know that I'm going to need to free up some time and reduce the amount of work travel I do to be effective as a council member, but I will figure it out as that is what I am best at doing -- finding solutions that work for the greater good," Cox said.

A serial entrepreneur for as long as anyone can remember, before his current career, Cox successfully owned and led companies in various industries, including manufacturing, hospitality, sales, marketing, and event production. He's also spent several years in the hospitality management sector at various resort locations.

Cox is committed to serving the community with a particular interest in creating opportunities for social justice, equality, and environmental responsibility. He is an active member of the central committee of the Nevada and Clark County Democratic Parties and often volunteers for candidate campaigns. While he was elected to the Douglas Education Service District Board (similar to a county school board) in Oregon in the late 80s, the 2023 race for the Henderson City Council is his first try since.

Cox is a life member of the University of Oregon Alumni Association and a passionate Oregon Duck football fan. Cox loves to travel and spend time outdoors with friends and family when not working.

"While I am definitely down-to-earth and pretty methodical in my approach to business and government when it comes to recreation, I’m known to be somewhat of an adrenaline junky,” Cox admitted. “I love the Skyjump at The Strat, and skydiving and river rafting are probably the ultimate highs for me!”

Cox admits that his late entry in the race presents a challenge. "Most of the other candidates have a head start as some have been working on their campaigns since July," Cox shared. "It's going to be vital for my team and I to reach out to as many citizens as possible to share our message. We're going to put a lot of miles on our shoes and knock on many doors!" Cox will have more information available soon at www.Vote4TimCox.com.

About Tim Cox

Tim Cox is a candidate for Henderson City Council Ward 1. He is an award-winning speaker, certified EMPIRE coach, and business optimization strategist that professionally focuses on empowering entrepreneurs and their leadership teams to take control of their business so they can have extraordinary businesses and lives. He is committed to offering a more progressive perspective to the conversation about how Henderson, Nevada, can best remain a great place to live, work, learn and play.

For more information on Tim Cox for Henderson, please visit www.Vote4TimCox.com or connect directly at TimCox360.com

Biography–Meet Tim Cox

Campaign Priorities– A.C.T.I.O.N. for Henderson

Candidate photos available here:


Tim Cox and his family love Henderson. They’ve been part of the community since purchasing a vacation home in the city in 2011. Since 2016, Tim has been honored to call Henderson home.

As an award-winning speaker, certified EMPIRE coach, and business optimization strategist, Tim professionally focuses on empowering entrepreneurs and their leadership teams to take control of their business so they can have extraordinary businesses and lives. He works with clients both domestically and internationally to implement proven business operating systems and processes to increase business efficiency, growth, and bottom-line results.

A serial entrepreneur for as long as anyone can remember, before his current career, Tim successfully owned and led companies in various industries, including manufacturing, hospitality, sales, marketing, and event production. He's also spent several years in the hospitality management sector at various resort locations.

One particular area of professional focus for Tim is green building and environmentally responsible development. He is credentialed as a LEED Green Associate and has been active nationally in various related organizations and initiatives, including the US Green Building Council, International Living Futures Institute, GreenBiz, Cradle to Cradle, and the Collaborative for High-Performance Schools. He has also held local, state, and national leadership roles in the Window and Door Manufacturers Association and the Door and Hardware Institute. Tim is a strong advocate for protecting limited natural resources and works to share the message that business can benefit themselves, their teams, and their communities by focusing on the triple bottom line: people, planet and profit.

Tim is committed to serving the community with a particular interest in creating opportunities for social justice, equality, and environmental responsibility. He is an active member of the central committee of both the Nevada and Clark County Democratic Parties and often volunteers for candidate campaigns. While he was elected to the Douglas Education Service District Board (similar to a county school board) in Oregon in the late 80’s, the 2023 race for the Henderson City Council is his first try since.

Tim is a life member of the University of Oregon Alumni Association and a passionate Oregon Duck football fan. Tim loves to travel and spend time outdoors with friends and family when not working. He’s also somewhat of an adrenaline junky and never turns down a chance to jump off or out of something.

The best way to connect with me is by visiting his personal website TimCox360.com

Tim will take action to keep Henderson a great place to live, work, learn, and play.

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His six primary priorities for Henderson are included in his A.C.T.I.O.N. agenda: Alive communities, Comprehensive public safety, Thoughtful development3, Inclusive government accountability, Opportunity for all, and Needed fiscal responsibility.

Alive Communities

"It’s important that we work to maintain a high quality of life in our community! I believe that a wide range of factors contributes to the well-being of our residents, including access to education and job opportunities, affordable housing, safe and walkable neighborhoods, and a range of recreational and cultural amenities. We also need to strengthen the availability of basic services such as healthcare and transportation, environmental quality, and a sense of community engagement. As a member of our city council, I will prioritize a holistic approach to community livability that encompasses the physical, social, economic, and environmental factors that make our community a great place, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of life for all residents."

Comprehensive Public Safety

"We all deserve to feel safe in our homes, workplaces, schools, and public spaces! I believe that comprehensive public safety includes more than traditional law enforcement activities such as policing and crime prevention, but also disaster preparedness and response, emergency management, common sense gun regulation, and community-based programs that address issues such as poverty, mental health, and substance abuse. Public safety is a multidimensional concept involving the active participation and collaboration of many stakeholders, including government agencies, community organizations, businesses, and individual citizens. I will work to not only support our first responder workforce but to create a shared understanding of safety in our community and involve community members in the development and implementation of comprehensive public safety initiatives."

Thoughtful Development

"My background in green building gives me a unique perspective on development. I’ve learned that responsible development needs to consider a development project's social, economic, and environmental impacts to ensure that it is sustainable and benefits all stakeholders. Environmental considerations are a key aspect of responsible development, as they ensure that the project does not cause harm to the natural environment or contribute to water scarcity. I will work to improve our land use and building codes and processes to minimize the use of natural resources, reduce pollution and waste, and protect our limited water availability and biodiversity. I will also work to ensure we consider the long-term sustainability of development projects and their potential impact on future generations."

Inclusive Government Accountability

"For government to be accountable, it must be accessible to the citizens it serves. I have no doubt that government officials and institutions have an obligation to be accountable to the public for their actions and decisions. Our city government needs to be open and transparent in their actions and decision-making processes, and citizens should have the opportunity to participate in the political process and hold their representatives accountable. I will work to ensure that government services and information are available and accessible to all citizens, regardless of their background or circumstances."

Opportunity for All

"Strong and inclusive communities can provide individuals with the necessary resources and support to thrive and achieve their goals. This includes access to education, job training, healthcare, and other essential services, as well as civic engagement and leadership opportunities. I believe diverse and inclusive communities can promote understanding and cooperation among different groups, helping to build a more equitable and just society. I will work to ensure that the city government consistently contributes to facilitating opportunities for all citizens."

Needed Fiscal Responsibility

"Our city council is responsible for managing the financial resources of our city and making decisions that will benefit the community. This requires careful analysis and judgment to ensure that the limited resources available are being used most effectively and efficiently as possible. We need to create a sustainable financial future by making investments that will generate revenue or save money in the long term. I will use the wisdom from my years of experience in business – particularly in business optimization, turnaround, and efficiency – to ensure our council makes sound financial decisions transparently that earn trust for public funds' use."

Learn more about Tim’s campaign for Henderson at VoteforTimCox.com or contact him directly at TimCox360.com


For more information about Tim Cox for City Council, contact the company here:

Tim Cox for City Council
Dr. Andrea Adams-Miller
344 Oak Canyon Drive, Henderson, NV 89015


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