Spar Nord issues Tier 2 capital

With reference to Company Announcement no. 19 of 28 March 2023, it is hereby announced that Spar Nord has entered into an agreement with a number of professional investors to issue Tier 2 capital for an amount of DKK 400 million with a maturity of 11 April 2033 and with the option for the Bank to prepay the loan no sooner than 11 April 2028 (subject to regulatory approval).

The Tier 2 capital (DK0030524277) will be issued with 11 April 2023 as the value date and will until 11 April 2028 have a floating coupon of 6m CIBOR plus 325 basis points. The notes will be listed on Euronext in Dublin.

The issue was completed with Nykredit as arranger and Nykredit and Spar Nord Bank as Joint Bookrunners.

Please direct any questions regarding this release to Rune Brandt Børglum, Head of Investor Relations, on tel. + 45 9634 4236, or by e-mail at

Rune Brandt Børglum
Head of Investor Relations



No. 20 - Spar Nord issues Tier 2 capital No. 20 - Spar Nord issues Tier 2 capital