Edmonton, July 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and the Alberta Association of Architects (AAA) have created a joint practice bulletin to clarify building envelope practice rights as defined in the National Building Code – 2019 Alberta Edition (NBC[AE]), the Safety Codes Act, the Architects Act and the Engineering and Geoscience Professions Act.
“APEGA is proud of our ongoing, collaborative work with the Alberta Association of Architects. As regulatory bodies, we share the overarching goal of safeguarding the public welfare of Albertans. This joint practice bulletin demonstrates the importance of strong, mutual effort in pursuit of the greater good,” said Jay Nagendran, P.Eng., APEGA’s registrar and chief executive officer.
Through the joint practice bulletin, Functional Relationships for the Building Envelope Portion of Projects, APEGA and AAA clarify roles and responsibilities for building envelope projects, specifically who can authenticate NBC(AE) schedules for a given building project.
“The bulletin will help registered architects, licensed interior designers and professional engineers involved in building projects in Alberta meet their legislated obligations,” said Barbara Bruce, CAE, Hon.MRAIC, AAA’s executive director. “The bulletin provides clarity when there is overlap between the scope of practice of these professional groups in building envelope practice procedures.”
The joint practice bulletin is approved for use by APEGA and AAA registrants. It is in effect and enforceable as of July 1, 2023. The bulletin is available on APEGA’s and AAA’s websites.
About APEGA: As the regulator of engineering and geoscience in Alberta for more than 100 years, APEGA continues to drive the province forward with courage and innovation. We are the largest regulator of self-regulated professionals in Western Canada, with more than 68,000 registrants who safeguard the public welfare and contribute significantly to Alberta’s economic success and quality of life.
About AAA: The AAA is a self-governing professional association legislated by the Architects Act. The AAA serves the public and its members by administering the standard of practice for the professions of architecture and interior design in Alberta. The AAA has proudly served Albertans since 1906, growing with the province and helping to form its built environment. Alberta’s registered architects and licensed interior designers have been integral to the province’s collective history and help shape its future.
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