Announcement from Eimskip

Reference is made to the Company´s announcement from 20 June 2022 of a dawn raid by the Danish competition authority regarding Atlantic Trucking, which is a part of Eimskip Denmark A/S.

The announcement stated that Eimskipafélag Íslands hf. had no reason to believe that Atlantic Trucking, which has around 5% market share in the market, had been involved in any violation of Danish competition law.

Today the Company received a letter from the Danish competition authority notifying of its decision to discontinue the case proceedings and to close the case. Eimskip is content that this case is thereby over.

Further information
Edda Rut Björnsdóttir, Executive Vice President of Human Resources & Communication, tel.: +354 825 3399, email:
Guðbjörg Birna Björnsdóttir, Head of Treasury and Investor Relations, tel: +354 844 4752, email: