HydraFacial® Syndeo™ Is Now Available from West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University

The New, State-of-the-Art HydraFacial® Delivery System from the St. Louis-Based Practice Offers the Ultimate Personalized Experience for the Summer

ST. LOUIS, July 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Although pretty much everybody wants smooth and bright skin, it isn’t always easy to maintain a youthful-looking face. External stressors such as pollution, sun exposure, and weather changes join aging and lifestyle choices to take a toll on our skin’s appearance. For women and men whose skin is missing that youthful glow, there are advanced revitalizing cosmetic treatments available. West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University is excited to announce that they will now be offering HydraFacial® Syndeo at their St. Louis-based practice. This is a groundbreaking new digitally connected delivery system that allows each treatment to be more personalized, easy, and comfortable than ever before.

HydraFacial® is a multistep facial treatment that involves the use of a specialized device to cleanse, exfoliate, extract, and then enhance the skin with a variety of nourishing serums. This treatment has an instant brightening and firming effect on the skin, so it’s a popular way of refreshing the skin before an important event or simply as a routine treatment to help patients maintain healthy skin.

The newer version of this device, HydraFacial® Syndeo™, is a leading-edge, digital skincare platform designed to improve the entire experience and provide more customized, seamless care for patients. The term “Syndeo” means “connected” in Greek. This first-of-its-kind device, built with cloud-based software, combines the HydraFacial® vortex fusion technology with a digital experience. The treatment is the same tried and true HydraFacial® process that provides stunning results, but this device has an interface that allows every provider and client to be connected. Its digital capabilities enable it to supply providers with key learnings and insights so that they’re able to better understand clients’ needs.

Providers can log each treatment, as well as offer products and experiences tailored to each patient’s specific needs and preferences. HydraFacial® treatments are automatically saved to a patient’s profile, which can help the provider decide which products are best for them. Moreover, an upgraded design integrated with a custom LightStim Elipsa™ LED light therapy device creates a more hygienic environment.

In addition to HydraFacial® Syndeo, West County Plastic Surgeons also offers many other non-surgical and surgical cosmetic treatments.

Contact St. Louis’ West County Plastic Surgeons of Washington University for more information. Call (314) 996-8800 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.