HF Fund: Switch auction results HFF150434/RIKS 33 0321

HF Fund has concluded a switch auction in which owners of HFF150434 were invited to exchange the bonds for indexed RIKS 33 0321 Treasury bonds.

Bids in the nominal amount of 4,805,000,000 were submitted for RIKS 33 0321, and bids in the nominal amount of 1,520,000,000 were accepted at a predetermined clean price of 102.700. In exchange, HF Fund will buy back HFF150434 bonds in the nominal amount of 1,991,933,392 at a predetermined clean price of 100.00. The market value of the bonds that were exchanged is 2,499,151,502 kr.

Further information can be obtained from:

For HF Fund: Steinþór Pálsson, tel: +354 6160200, e-mail: verkefnisstjornil@fjr.is

For the arranger: Government Debt Management, tel: +354 569-9635, +354 569-9679, e-mail: lanamal@lanamal.is